How to get to my fat goal?


Hi, all! I’m in my first two weeks of keto and I’m not sure the best way to get to my fat goal today. I had 3 slices of thick cut bacon for breakfast with two fried eggs. I skipped lunch because I wasn’t hungry at all. For dinner I had cubed steak dipped in egg, dipped in crushed pork rinds, fried in butter. I made a little gravy from the drippings left behind with some heavy cream. Had masked cauliflower on the side with grated parmesan. I’m only at 81g of fat according to my tracker and not sure what to do to get in the rest of the 139 grams my macros say I’m supposed to have.

How closely do you all get to your fat/protein/calorie goals every day?

Do any of you do fat bombs? Do you recommend them? If so, how do you personally make them?

(Pete A) #2

Add a tablespoon of coconut oil for 14 grams and a tablespoon of butter for 12.

Eat more bacon! 90% cocoa squares!

You’re not too far off…


Pete, how do you best keep fat high, but don’t go crazy out of control on calories? Are there certain things you stick to or avoid? I feel like if I’m hitting my fat goal I’m busting my calorie goal out of the water. Thanks! :slight_smile:

(Pete A) #4

I average 130 grams of fat (65-70%), 100 proteín a day. I try to choose high value food (high fat, lower proteín) and aforementioned coconut oil, etc.

You’re menú sounds fine. I track in Fitday and look at the ongoing trend i.e. today, the last two weeks, the last month etc

Yesterday’s macros:



My macros say I should be 79 protein, 131 fat and 1571 calories. I think I’m just having a hard time figuring out how to stay within the calorie range and still hit the fat goal!

(Pete A) #6

Yes you have to play around with It, and learn from your own results.

(Jeannie Oliver) #7

Cut the carbs and/or protein to stay within your calorie goals. Overall, for me it works best to track calories (I use MyFitnessPro) and check macros by percentage, not by trying to hit a specific number of grams. I can view that in a pie chart on my Android app. I shoot for 75% fat, 20% protein, 5% carbs.

However, if you are eating the right percentage of macros and you are comfortable without eating more calories, don’t worry too much about it. As Dr. Fung says, “If you’re not hungry, don’t eat. It won’t kill ya’.”


Oh, good deal! That makes total sense. I hadn’t thought of it that way. I’m not really hungry for anything else and am at 69% fat, 26% protein and 5% carbs for the day. Think I’ll call it good! Thanks so much!


If you have fat to lose, then let your body access that. Eat low carb, moderate protein, fat to satiety. The dudes just did a podcast about this.


I’ll check it out now!


whats this table from?


it’s more a suggestion really, not exact science. Eat to satiation

(Pete A) #13

From my Fitday


Thanks! Why do you prefer that one?

(Pete A) #15

I don’t know that I prefer it, I happened upon in a few years ago when I last did Atkins. I’ve never looked at others and this one has always been a “fit,” haha

If it ain’t broke I don’t fix it! :grinning:


I wish I were a software developer. I have lots of opinions about design flaws in every program I use, but none of the knowledge about how to make something for myself!

(Mark Goldstein) #17

I find it very difficult to up my fat with healthy fats while lowering my protein to keep my macros in order.
I rather not just add MCT Oil to my coffee, I’m afraid to go to work if it bothers my stomach. I was eating bacon with my eggs in the morning, but bacon is full of nitrates, and isn’t a healthy food in my opinion.
I eat avocado with my eggs in the AM, and have chicken breast or salmon for lunch. Dinner could be either fish or chicken, or steak. Maybe I’m fat shy from the SAD, but I can’t seem to eat red meet every day.
Any suggestions?

(brian a kilgallon) #18

Me too. I get close to my fat and protien numbers and my cals are 4x what they should be it seems.

(Elijah Barrett) #19

Maybe you could get bacon from the butcher? That way it doesn’t contain all of the preservatives. I like to talk to the butchers in my area to see where the meat comes from. Recently, I have found that making sauces are a great way to increase fat intake without needing to eat red meat daily (which you shouldn’t be scared of doing). I typically just throw half a stick of unsalted butter, half a cup of heavy cream, and Parmesan to taste. I like to add spices that go well with the meal.

(Mike) #20

I think that this topic needs to be covered more. We have much on fasting, on actual Keto foods … but I haven’t seen much of anything on getting the amount of fat into our diet that we need. So many of the meats have a good deal of fat … but also a good deal of protein. That’s the problem!

Maybe the 2KetoDudes can cover this … give us some examples of what a day looks like!

Eating to satiety has me confused too … how about if I just eat until I feel full? Is that what we are talking about? If satiety means the point at which I am not hungry … that’s no help to me. Fasting has allowed me not to be hungry most of my eating days too … I need a better bench mark than that.