How often do you use meal replacement (shakes, powders, bars, etc)?

  • One or more times per day
  • One or more times per week
  • One or more times per month
  • One or more times per year
  • Never
  • What is meal replacement? I don’t know what that is.

0 voters

(Scott Shillady) #2

I’m replacing all my meals this week, with the captain crunch and nutter butter I ate 10 years ago


I don’t use any products as meal replacements, but sometimes breakfast is keto coffee.

(Chris Bair) #4

Got a DEXA scan last year, I apparently have 220,000 kcal of fat storage. I could theoretically fast for 110 days =)

Edit: in case you’ve never seen one or are curious, here’s my report:


Even among low carb products, the protein ratio is too high for my liking. So if I’m going to have to add more fat, I might as well eat regular food in the first place.

(Meeping up the Science!) #6

I make my own “meal replacement” with beef protein, sometimes. I actually will make a beef or chicken puree, thin with broth, and use that as a soup/“protein shake” of sorts. In the morning I grab it, warm it, go. I know it sounds weird, but it’s actually refreshing in the winter when I tire of coffee or tea and don’t feel like wasting time cooking. I often will also toss liver in for some extra nutrition.

For surgery I did use whey protein and then beef protein powder when I could not eat solid foods. Now pureed stuff is more a convenience.

(Jessica K) #7

I won’t lie, I do… most week days. Monday-Friday I do a Premier Protein shake, shaken with heavy cream to even out the protein to fat ratio. If I microwave it, it basically tastes like a good hot chocolate and it keeps me going until lunch at about 1PM. Sometimes I’ll blend it with ice to make something more like a milkshake. It isn’t perfect, but it’s fast and my mornings start very early and tend to go very quickly! I haven’t noticed any stalls from it.

(AnnaLeeThal) #8

Does Keto coffee count? Other than that I don’t use a meal replacement, never have on Keto. Mostly because I’m cheap and prefer whole food.


I wouldn’t consider keto coffee or any coffee/tea as a meal replacement. If instead (as example) you replace bacon and eggs with a shake that provides equivalent macros (as replacement), then that is a meal replacement.

(AnnaLeeThal) #10

Ok, that’s what I thought

(Brad Taylor) #11

My first real weight loss success was BodyForLife if anyone remembers, about 15 years ago. Work out 6 days a week and eat 6 times per day. Shakes and supplements were highly encouraged. Held that routine for 2 years and slowly fell out and stumbled around slowly gaining all of my weight back and more.

Keto has saved me. No more potions or pills for this guy. Most of it is garbage.

(bren.mannin) #12

I guess I lied. I occasionally use chicken broth & butter in the late afternoon. And damn you baconnectar for bringing up NutterButters!!! Crunch Berries were my weakness. I just stare at them now. I hardly remember.

(Jessica K) #13

I would consider Bulletproof Coffee of the same category because it basically does something similar. It’s loaded with fat to get the fats in and satiate as a solo morning breakfast item. To each their own, though.

(Richard Morris) #14

The first day you could make 1991 kCal from body fat (63.21 x 31.5) and burn 221g of fat per day.

By the time you’re down to 40lbs you’re only generating 1260 kCal/day which will be a bit harder going.

At 20 lbs you’ll be generating only 630 kCal /day and that day is going to suck cos you’ll be burning lean mass too, now.

Probably not 110 days … but you’ll probably get more than a month burning mostly fat.

(Chris Bair) #15

dude, you’re ruining it with all thems maths and numbers =) I wasn’t aware there was a simple equation that will tell you how much fat you can “render” per day, that’s actually pretty cool to find out!

(Richard Morris) #16

Yeah it appears to be my contribution to the ketogenic world to publicise this particular study, and give examples of how it can be used :slight_smile:


I’m trying to find these bars I heard of while doing keto research…I know, I know, bars and powders are crap, but I would like to use them for when I do still crave sweets or something decadent after dinner. Somewhere out there is a bar that is high-fat and low-carb and they start with an A. Advocate or Advance or something similar…my search for these two on the interwebs has turned up nothing.

I imagine they’re similar to Quest bars, but what I’m looking for aren’t Quest bars, which, btw, i don’t mind. I would like to try these other bars and see if I like them better than Quest bars. Anyway…thanks to anyone that can think of what I’m forgetting :slight_smile:




No, but thanks. I should’ve mentioned that they weren’t that either. That would be my first guess too. They are made by a doctor and I read about them on his site, which was all about LCHF, I just can’t remember where it was or even when I was there. D’oh! I have a ton of links of sites that I’ve gotten keto info from. I just need to go thru them and get rid of what I don’t use any longer and organize the ones I will keep. That process should help me find them again, hopefully. :slight_smile:


Oh!! I found them…Adapt Bars. I should’ve just gone thru the dictionary under and quick searched each word and ‘bars’…

Anyway, if anyone has any reviews of these, good or bad, I’d be interested to hear them. :slight_smile: