How MUCH salt during fast?

(*Rusty* Instagram: @Rustyk61) #1

I’m almost 48 hours into my fast and intended to go 72 hours. I’ve been getting my regular salt additions. Probably the equivalent of about 3 teaspoons per day. But for some reason, I am craving salt today.
So how much is normal during a fast?

(Crippie) #2

Listen to your bodies craving’s. It knows what it needs. There is no 1 right answer to how much salt someone should have in a fast, or even on a normal day, everyone is a little different.

Your body tells you what it needs with its cravings. If you crave salt, have some salt on your tongue, or saltwater, if you don’t think you can do that, maybe a little bit of salty broth.

(Ethan) #3

I do two five-day fasts a month. I eat salt every time i feel the need. Often, I have some random amount of salt every 2 hours. I don’t count.