How much additional fat should I put in my salad`?


Laughing at the title. I never saw this post til now. Should be “How much salad to add to my fat?” :rofl::rofl:

Sorry. Couldn’t resist. Merry Christmas :christmas_tree::slight_smile:

(Bastet ) #44

Adding 15-30ml of fat, like olive oil, to keto salads is common. If you’re avoiding meat, extra fat supports ketosis. Adjust to taste and goals. Also in combining with exercises like that can beneficially impact on the general health.

(B Creighton) #45

I use a homemade MCT/Balsamic vinegar dressing with herbs, which I pour on liberally to taste. If I used EVOO instead of MCTs, I would do the same. I don’t worry about how much really. I want enough for it to taste good. I’ve never measured it.


If dressing feels like too little,I often add an egg. This excellent blue cheese dressing could take some olive oil in the mix,too. Now there is some vinegar. I use olive oil quite generously.


I can’t often find this good bacon here but when I do, oh boy! These are 1 1/2" thick chunks.

All the fat/butter from frying goes on the salad as dressing. Add some vinegar. Frying is not even necessary,this has been smoked. Good stuff.

(Doug) #48


Excellent picture. :slightly_smiling_face: