How many calories on feast day with ADF?

(Mother of Puppies ) #1

… or how to gauge?

I’ve heard Megan Ramos’ YouTube videos, and I know it’s important to keep from starving on your feast days, but I find myself not hungry and not eating enough to fast the following day. Then I have to push myself to eat more.

Now, that I am eating more, I find I’m having severe stomach upset, of the explosive variety. I need help to know when I’m going too far, or not far enough.

(72f27cf68b55381bd02a) #2

Maybe my satiety signaling is off.

Maybe I should fix a plate and not eat out of the fridge. :joy:

(Jane) #3

My understanding is that if you just fast for one day then no need to feast on your eating days - just eat normally.

If you aren’t hungry then don’t force it. Let your body tell you when it needs to eat. I know there is always a lot of concern about lowering metabolism by not eating enough… and that is possible after maybe weeks but in the meantime I would trust your body and only eat when it wants you to eat.

(Carl Keller) #4

The most prevalent keto advice is to not overeat so I probably wouldn’t force myself to eat if it was having an ill-effect. I believe if you are in the earlier stages of your weight loss journey that hunger is not going to be much of an issue but after you have lost a lot of weight, you might find that your hunger and appetite have come roaring back. It’s at that time that feasting becomes much more important.

So for now, I would just focus on listening to what your body is telling you it wants. For me, the term feasting means to fully satisfy.

(Mother of Puppies ) #5

Sounds right.

I was doing better when my meals were prepared for me.