How do poor people do carnivore?



great find on the bacon ends. I used to buy those long ago and forgot about them actually, and yes I am going to scope them out again. they are a cost savings for sure and still good ol’ bacon!

---------------and don’t get me started on cell phone either :clown_face:
It is literally part of my 16 yr DD’s hand. To her there is no life without a phone in her hand 24/7 and I think alot of the world is that way. Heck I don’t own one HAHA but when she hits college in some years I am gonna buy one for contact with her at all times. Other than that, I have 0 interest in a cell phone cause when I go out I don’t want anyone to get ahold of me. For anything. Yea I am a super dino that way.

Math people. They are special. They ‘see life’ in numbers…something I sure can’t do. I think those who go into super math are amazing in that ‘they get it’ in their brain, I just don’t see it.

I am super thankful you take your job seriously and you are one to keep us alive without the plants blowing up!! Appreciate your dedication for sure :slight_smile:

(Carnivore for the win) #123

I teach technicians on related trade math, physics, and engineering requirements on a daily basis. These calculations have to be fully understood, by whoever is completing them, not just entered into an electronic device. They affect many things and human health and life is one of them.

I tell my students a very similar story. I had a government exam to get a very important certification. I always show my full work, and references, in any calculation and this was no difference. One of my answers was incorrect, due to selecting the wrong item from a table in a codebook. Fortunately, whoever marked the exam saw the error in my calculations and gave me that crucial half mark to pass. It was the most difficult, and expensive, exam I had ever written. I was so grateful that I didn’t have to write it again.

Now as an instructor, I have my students show me their reasoning and references behind all of their answers. It is more time consuming, for all of us, but it creates more thorough technicians, with more efficient equipment, and keeps people safe.

(Robin) #124

“I think I effectively overexplained this.”
Is there a badge for best sentence of the day?

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #125

If not, we may need to ask Richard to create one!

(Laurie) #126

I’ve always been able to calculate things in my head. Like an idiot savant. I had a real problem with “show your work” in math class, because the answer was obvious to me. This didn’t work with high school math. I dropped out of school. Not because of math, but I probably would have failed math if I’d stayed.


I need paper to add 2 small numbers (okay, not one digit ones… I can do it in my mind even if they have 2 digits but I miss my paper and it may take half a minute…). But as I wrote, I can’t really count, I like the things with logic. But I still only use a calculator when I am in front of my computer. I am fine with paper and pencil and multiplying and addition, substraction is fine with one digit numbers so I do it right.
I can’t memorize numbers (unless I am VERY motivated, I am fine with my pin codes, I just need some time to tie the numbers to something else somehow, maybe to each other) including dates (yeah, history quizzes weren’t my favs, to put it lightly). But things with only 2 possible values are the absolute worst.
I like logic in general. I wished for connections in history too, not dry dates in huge amounts (there were okay things but still not connected to other things, other countries enough)… People forget them anyway. I forgot them when the lesson was over after a quiz…

(Jane) #128

This thread shoud get the award for “thread drift” LOL.

Sadly, I cannot do near as much in my head as I used to because of calculators.

In high school I was a member of the Number Sense Club. It was an uber-geeky club where you learned to do complex math in your head. At one time I could multiply 3 x 3 numbers in my head. I can only do 1 x 1 now!

They taught you cool mental shortcuts and I spent my Saturdays doing practice math tests. They gave you a sheet of math problems and you had no other paper and could not make any marks on the test except for the answers. Then we went to competitions. I never won anything but it was fun.


yea there should be darn badge for just that :100: :thinking:

TO ALL and just thoughts, thinking more has become, I guess, what we are today? maybe? with an UGH after just that but good think forward towards real life is a good thing

it is good to chat off thread when we all know life is real and there is poverty and disease and more that should be addressed yet, humans? can’t quite ge’ter done’ in the fixes?? a sigh on it all from me on it as a global easily handled issued that ‘just can’t get there’ and WE ALL wonder why? :wink: Who in the heck for global understanding as in we know we can do it but won’t? so again, that big sigh over the whole issues of the global world. Can’t control it all can we from our home base? Nope…so…you can’t control anything over another human in truth other than food supply to keep them ‘tamped down’ and SO focused on daily survival for what IT is today that ? just leave it at that

(Traci Simpson) #130

I think if we ate only wild rabbits, we’d be malnourished because there is so little fat.