How do I know when I’m fat adapted?

(Andi McNamara) #1

How can you tell when you are fat adapted?

How can you tell when your body becomes fully fat adapted?
(Running from stupidity) #2

(Raj Seth) #3

Your old style carb fed “hangry” hunger disappears. Instead, your hunger becomes more of a gentle “yeah - I could eat that” type of sensation
That was my experience

(smilekapoor) #4

Your usual craving for food just disappears and you no more feel tired for hours while sitting and working! Lets say you got constant supply of battery and the game is full on. Realize that through your state of being, but maintain the macros well to be there… slight mistake and you may just miss these magical moments :wink:

(Scott) #5

For me I knew I was fat adapted when I could go for a four mile run and not get fatigued in the least. This was at about three months in. At about 5 1/2 months in I stopped losing weight. Not unhappy at all and pleased that I am not gaining either. Just watching and waiting to see what my body does next. At only ten pounds off what I would call my normal weight (lost 20 pounds already) I can be very patient with results at this point.