Holy sheezeballs folks, stay away from all large keto subreddits on reddit

(Running from stupidity) #21

Because they mislead others. Seen any posts from recent arrivals here recently, hearse-girl?

(Empress of the Unexpected) #22

Cute. Can’t anyone analyze and think for themselves anymore?

(Running from stupidity) #23

Refer immediate past comment.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #24

When I started eating potatoes I tied that to weight gain! But worrying about the fat to protein ratio, no. I eat as much meat as I want, and add fat.

(MooBoom) #25

Precisely why I care. I cannot abide seeing people misled or harmed all the while thinking they are doing the right thing because some dude bro told them it was ‘the way’.


Stay out of the weight room :rofl::rofl::rofl: Lift at home!

(Empress of the Unexpected) #27

That is the problem with the these crazy websites. They do mislead. But people who allow themselves to be mislead without thinking about the subject at hand, are, quite frankly, idiots. You can’t take responsibility for others. I eat very little fat and a lot of protein. I’m at maintenance and way healthier than I was nine months ago. Every body is different.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #28

I think I’m falling in love… BTW my other name is common-sense girl.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #30

What happened to common sense? People can’t think for themselves anymore? Now THAT is a scary thought.

(Running from stupidity) #31

What’s with all the rhetorical questions?

(Empress of the Unexpected) #32

There is no emoji for this!

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #33

Common sense is, and always has been, a misnomer. It is rather uncommon.

(Sheri Knauer) #34

There are a lot of people who want to be told what to do so they don’t have to do the thinking themselves. Some people are just born that way and some may be too lazy to research things.

(Karyn) #35

Reddit is so full of “common sense” it hurts my brain… like who needs to study science or medicine or anything? When you can just use common sense?



People are trying to “hack” everything, rather than reading a quality book or three on a given topic and really trying to understand something they want cheap, quick answers from reddit, stack overflow, quick 5 or 10 minute YouTube vids … just TL; DR all the way. No time to think.

Ironically this thirst for short cuts turns into a massive long cut. Wondering about in circles …

Bring back thinking I say.

(less is more, more or less) #37

XKCD weighs in:


I’ve learned a lot from AA and the Twelve Steps¹. It is a great foundation for so many things, not just booze, like the Serenity Prayer;

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change , the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

In other words, it’s not worth the cortisol spike.

š Great band name

(Carl Keller) #38

And then there are people like me, who didn’t see a need to research the truth since I was able to eat anything and everything I felt like, without apparent repercussion. It was convenient and tasty for me to believe the lies being told by “reputable” health organizations.


I haven’t been over at /r/keto in a while simply because it gets anoying, but something that has to be considered is that unlike here a large crowd over there aren’t metabolically destroyed and diabetic or using keto as a true medicine like many of us are. It’s very true that they’re not afraid of protein over there as most people shouldn’t be. Most of my progress stalls in the gym we’re thanks to me falling victim to that myself and once protein was up and my body got used to it everything started to fall in place. It’s true they’re overly CICO focused over there, but many here completely ignore it which isn’t correct either. Understanding that we don’t have a perfect grip on our calories out, vs in, and the fact that hormones play a bigger role in this game than the mainstream thinks doesn’t equal totally throwing out CICO. The model is flawed yes, but not useless. For now it’s the system we have in place to track, saying I ate light meat for lunch to two fists of vegatables doesn’t work either. Eating to satiety is fine IF a person doesn’t constantly overeat AND weight loss is the only goal. That’s not everybodys only goal. Eating to satiety worked great for me when all I cared about was weight loss, once it shifted to muscle gain it screwed me huge because all that eating to satiety had me undereating and it showed in both energy in the gym and strength. CICO gave me a guide to follow and for a while it was force feeding (reverse dieting) which got my metabolism back up where it needed to be. Point being, there is NOT only one way to do this.

(Doug) #40

So very true, Alex. To an extent it is a different world now, with so many instantaneous things, and constant connectivity. Speaking for our family, one of my brothers put it well - that we’re looking for essays, not bumper-stickers. We 3 oldest boys were born from 1959-1962, and there wasn’t even a television in our house during our young childhood. Our days were still full.

I wonder what it’s like to grow up with electronic devices being ever-present; does it make time go faster?


I don’t get that impression from Reddit at all. Which subreddits were you looking at? I follow over 20 of them:

keto, Ketorecipes, ketodiet, ketoscience, 1200isplentyketo, DesiKeto, DiabeticKeto, EasyKetoRecipes, FrugalKeto, gifrecipesketo, Keto_Diet, Keto_Food, KetoNews, ketodessert, KetoFoods, ketogains, KetoMealPrep, KetoMeals, KetoMealsandRecipes, ketomealseatingnow, KetoSlowcooking, lowcarb, VeganKeto, VegetarianKeto

The first two are the most active.