Higher carbs = weight loss?

(Karim Wassef) #21

I won’t say I’m a foodie, but I like good food.

I went through the journey of fake carbs (Keto pizza and pasta) and eventually learned to find true gastronomic pleasure without carbs.

It takes more ingenuity and creativity, but there is so much more healthy food that isn’t polluted out there. I like herbs and spices… I allow myself some of the nightshade plants like onion, garlic and ginger… there is a wonderful world of enjoyable food sensations and once you find it, your addiction impulse will diminish.

I have to admit that I feel a sense of revulsion when I see someone eating a bag of chips now. The seed oils and starch combination is so unappetizing that I literally have to block it mentally. It’s like watching an alcoholic drooling with slurred speech and a bottle in their hand. A combination of pity, compassion, and revulsion…

I know it’s not their fault because addiction is hard, but it’s hard to watch… especially if it’s a loved one.

(Jane- Old Inky Crone) #22

Or just “keep coming back” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

(The amazing autoimmune 🦄) #23

I was just thinking that alcohol is a diuretic and that night be the cause of the weight loss.

(Trudy) #24

I was thinking the same @Iced as I generally have a kg or so fluid loss with alcohol intake.