Hi new here. just started keto for cancer


i did a search for forums with a keto/cancer section and this thread showed up. Keto for people who have cancer

it looks like i have to be a member for a while before i can get into the forum section that they’re talking about. https://www.ketogenicforums.com/c/health/cancer when i click on that link, i get > Access Denied

while trying to load /c/health/cancer/find_by_slug.json
Something went wrong.

Does anybody know how many posts i have to make or how long i have to be a member before i can get into the pertinant forum for myself?

i just got my cancer diagnosis last wednesday (apr 11). it’s small and probably treatable with just surgery, but i have to wait for mri to see. here in canada there are really long waits for everything…

i started keto/cancer diet on apr 5. it’s a lot lower in carbs and proteins than any other keto that i’ve looked at, sooo my meals have been really really boring. i weigh my meat/eggs/fish, i weigh my celery/cuke/etc and use them as a vehicle to eat enough fat to be satiated. i’m following ellen davis’ book, but have been reading some of the other keto/cancer resources that are out there too.

anyways, if there are any active forums, fb groups, etc where people are talking about using keto diet for ajunctive therapy for their cancer, please let me know where people are getting together to talk about this stuff.

(CharleyD) #2

Welcome @walnut ! Take a look around, the new member restrictions expire fast. One thing that really helped was going through the new user experience.

Have you looked into Cancer as a Metabolic Disease by Thomas Seyfried? Also The Metabolic Management of Cancer by Nasha Winters. There’s more to it than just the diet, but diet will get you pretty far towards correcting the disfunction.

All the best in your journey beating this!


Hi, thanks for the welcome,

this is my current reading list. some of the books i’ve only skimmed thru though. Fight Cancer with a Ketogenic Diet, tripping over the truth. cancer as a metabolic disease. complete guide to fasting. metabolic approach cancer. keto for cancer. ketogenic kitchen. longevity diet (not at all keto, but some of the same principles apply).

Seyfried’s book is really dense, but i watched some youtubes/listened to some of the podcasts where he had been interviewed and he’s a lot easier to understand when he’s talking about his work!!

(CharleyD) #4

Haha yep. Sounds like you’re on the right track! I found Tripping Over the Truth pretty enlightening myself.

(Banting & Yudkin & Atkins & Eadeses & Cordain & Taubes & Volek & Naiman & Bikman ) #5

You might check out Dr. Dawn Lemanne.

Some cancers like to eat ketones. Some do better with fasting, some do better with ketogenic. It depends on your cancer.

(matt ) #6

The latest 2KD podcast is about Cancer…make sure you check it out.


thanks i’ll have a look.


i listened to the podcast that you recommended while i was out working on my garden. i had to rewind and re-listen to a couple of parts of it. Dr Seyfried really really didn’t hold back on this one!! wow! some of the things that he was saying might be a bit alienating to people who are looking at keto as an adjunctive therapy. anyways, really interesting.

(Don) #9

Good luck on your journey! I will make sure I say a prayer for you. Please keep us posted on how you are doing.


thank you. i’m sure it will be fine.

my regular doc said it’s most likely to be curable with surgery. but i still have to wait for the mri to be sure.

i need something to ‘do’, and i always feel better on lowcarb anyways, so i thought this would be the right time to go back on vlc.

(Ellen) #11

Welcome & best wishes. Hope you get your mri soon and only need surgery. New user restrictions vanish pretty quick if you use the forum a bit.

(Rob) #12

You’ve done enough research to know (or know soon) that if you believe in a metabolic theory of cancer, cutting out one will not prevent others… but a low inflammatory diet like keto probably will so it is definitely a good preventative measure to stick with VLC for life since you already have evidence you are susceptible (though I think most of us are in the modern toxic, carb-fueled world). Good luck with the surgery!

My mum had a successful (though complicated, over-long and traumatic) surgical tumor removal (early stage, no metastasis) but we are keeping the carbs low (though not keto :frowning_face:) for life from now on.

(Lee Jones) #13

My thoughts are with you Walnut. Hopefully Keto will help you beat it :muscle:t2:

Have you considered full spectrum cbd oil in addition to a Keto woe. Heard lots of positive stories about that stuff and the big C.


totally agree with you. i’m definitely looking at this as a lifetime way of eating from here on out. it’s too bad that it took a cancer diagnosis to make me realize that i need to just stay on the vlc all the time.


thanks for your well wishes.

cbd isn’t really my jam. i know it’s been really helpful for lots of people. where i live, i think there are more dispensaries than there are starbucks but it’s not my thing (neither is starbucks, LOL)


thank you! i think i made enough posts and whatnot, i’m able to see the cancer subforum now. :slight_smile:

(Rob) #17

Many of the people who have come here had their shock or rock bottom moments e.g. Diabetes diagnosis, long-term obesity, CVD, cancer, etc. There are more ‘dilettantes’ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: just doing it for prevention or longevity joining these days but the core are people managing serious conditions. You are not alone!

(Ellen) #18

Glad to hear it, am sure you’ll find lots of info & info/encouragement in this forum, keep us updated on your situation.

(Stacy) #19

I don’t know the answer to your question but wanted to say I’m sorry you’re going through this. I had an early stage cancer two years ago and it was scary. Also in Canada although things moved pretty quickly in my case. Good luck and welcome!

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #20

The health sections are mostly locked, so that that bots and search engines can’t nab private information for nefarious purposes. If you work with the bot for a little while, you will quickly reach a trust level that will let you into the health topics. If you get active on the forums, you can reach the required level in a matter of a couple of days, as I recall.