Hey guys. Stuck with few questions in here :|?

(Ellie) #21

The general consensus is that fat adaption takes 6-8 weeks.
I think your overall calories a still a bit low for your height and weight so I’d focus on increasing the fat where you can to boost that a bit. Hopefully you should have a bit more energy then too.

(Davy) #22

Heh, Stan is like me, a wee bit stubborn. Still too low on the calories buddy. Pump it up to 1700-1800 anyway. Remember how? Take 2 tablespoons of virgin olive oil AND cod liver oil AND kerrygold butter. That should do it. Maybe also some good krill oil or omega3 fish oil. Those things will also help raise your HDL and lower the bad forms of fats. I know, it’s a paradox, eating more good fats lowers your LDL and cholesterol. (I just sent off a home test for my lipids (fat) levels and will get the results any day now…to see how this has been working for me. Going to the doctor and his lab cost me $240 the first time. I learned, and bought this home test from Amzn. - cost was about $55…and can be done at home. No 2 week appts, no sitting in the drs office waiting for HIM, etc)
The Magnesium may take 2 to 3 months to kick in and do its thing. So just be patient. Mine took me 2 months to show a good difference. I’ve switched to Mg Taurate now. (the Cardiovas. Research brand)
Also, did I or anyone mention ZipFizz? That stuff is so great, I ordered another 30 tubes of it. Chock full of good amounts of several electrolytes and 100mg of caffeine when you may be feeling low energy. I just drink a half tube of it and I’m ready to run a marathon. I got the grape, fruit and orange this time.


Good going! Keep up the diligent work. I have found that a good electrolytes solution and magnesium and potassium supplements got rid of that foggy brain pretty quickly. I also have old ( and recent) injuries to joints and the magnesium definitely makes it bearable. If I feel weak I do find sodium helps. I have a water flavoring that is basically sodium and has zero carbs.
As for lack of appetite, have a revision over IF (intermittent fasting). Then try to stick to the times and eat less but eat until you’re fully fat adapted. Best wishes for your journey, you got this!

(Stan) #24


Not stubborn per se, but I like to know how every bit of a puzzle works, what does this and what causes that. Just full transparency of the process :smiley:

I’ve also tested myself pre workout, after workout, pre meal after meal, pre something ‘bad’ like and apple and after it. Yeah, I did take 2 apples in 25 days, to see if it can impact my high (in my opinion) ketones (and it did :slight_smile: ). Just curious about all the science behind keto.
Also, I know workouts should consume my carbs, but per Dr. Berg

ketone levels are actually increase when working out.

Well, so far its been a very interesting ride and see where it gets me in 5 weeks when I’m going to do full body check and complete blood work.

thank you for the kind words!
of course zinc, magnesium, potassium and pink salt are also my best friends :blush:

(Davy) #25

Got my Lipid fats test back … pleased with the results.
My HDL Is up to 44 now. Raised it 10% in 5 months by eating the good fats from 40 to 50% of total calories per day.
Cholesterol 190
My Chol/HDL ratio is 4.3 now. This was all from diet changes, no exercise.
Am going to keep eating the good fats and start exercise.


I agree that its hard to eat something that doesn’t taste good. I can’t stand the taste of MCT oil so I only put it in my breakfast shake where the laste is disguised. Otherwise, I don’t add it to food; did it once and it ruined the meal! Olive oil is my favorite; avocado oil is pretty good too. While I have some coconut oil, I haven’t actually used it yet.

(Lonnie Hedley) #27

MCT oil shouldn’t have a taste. Perhaps the kind you have is from a bad batch. When I took MCT, I’d pour it in a spoon and take it straight. There was no taste.


Hmmm. What brand of MCT oil do you use?

(Lonnie Hedley) #29

I don’t anymore, but when I did it was Viva Naturals. If you check on Amazon, it says “flavorless and odorless” on the bottle. Until your post I had never heard anyone complain about the taste of MCT because it shouldn’t have a taste.

MCT complaints, if any, are typically about disaster pants not taste. :poop:


I use the viva mct from Amazon as well and i do not notice a taste to it

(Diane) #31

Me too, Viva Naturals, no noticeable taste.


@stanpanda maybe controversial but I do not think you need to force yourself to eat. Just eat when you’re hungry until satisfied, and wait until you’re hungry again. Is that going to be too few calories per day? well who cares, your body is intelligent, don’t force it to do something it doesn’t want to do. If for a few weeks you don’t eat more than 50g of proteins, it’s not the end of the world. Keep eating a lot of fats, but also there just let yourself be guided by your body, if it feels forced or causes heartburn, back off a little.
In time, everything will find balance, especially if you respect your body’s particular needs.


I agree with @margot17. If you’re not hungry, don’t eat. Your body will tell you how much fat/calories it needs. As long as your getting adequate protein, and carbs are low it’s all good. I’m six weeks in, and have been averaging 1400 to 1600 calories a day without hunger. 6’ tall/237 lbs. Got the classic keto flu low energy / off feeling during weeks two and three. Lots of water plus salt and magnesium helped a lot.

(KetoQ) #34

Hi Stan –

Sometimes I don’t feel hungry as well, and I don’t think you should try to eat more if you’re really not hungry.

That said, it would be helpful to get calories up, and you might want to add some exercise to your program. Perhaps a one hour walk might create a stronger appetite. Or a HIIT routine. Sometimes weight training makes me ravenously hungry.

Good luck.


Good idea re exercise. It can definitely perk up one’s appetite!

(Stan) #36

Hi guys, thank a lot for posting. I agree it might be a good idea not forcing to eat, so far I eat twice a day 700-800cals each meal.

Also, please, review my previous few posts, I work out quite a lot :slight_smile: 3-4 weight training 2 hour sessions (cardio included) + separately 4-6 times stationary bike as well. One meal a day is not working for me yet (when I consume all my cals in 1-2 hour window causes bloating and diahrrea, probably my body can’t yet handle so much calories consumed at one, so I’m sitting on two meals a day).

This topic is so much helpful! Really appreciate :slight_smile:

(Deborah C Whitfield) #37

Just a quick comment…look at aspect of your gut microbiome and repair that critical system, as it’s so important to nutrition. Lots of info out there on different modalities. Hopefully you can find one that works for you. Get that ‘second brain’ in shape so you can truly benefit from all the wonderful things you are doing for yourself! After 20+ yrs of digestive issues I sure don’t miss IBS, acid reflux, indigestion, etc! With respect and admiration always ~

(Bunny) #38

Baking soda? Your making the problem worse, the baking soda is almost pure alkaline, you want to acidify NOT alkalinize (alkalinity is what causes the problem to begin with) the stomach walls? Your entire body becomes more alkaline as you age and so does the ability of parietal cells (if not stimulated by digestive bitters; ‘any veggie/plant that’s bitter’) to produce (zinc deficiency or the ability to absorb it?) the hydrochloric acid needed to digest food and keep the esophageal sphincter valve CLOSED; alkaline will tell/signal the esophageal sphincter valve to stay OPEN (hence; acid relflux; GERD; heartburn etc.)

…so the next time you eat, guess what? You have a nice alkaline environment to keep that valve OPEN? What little hydrochloric acid the perietal cells in your stomach lining is producing, is escaping and being regurgitated into the esophageal tract?

Problems with stomach acid/GERD
(Stan) #39

Has anyone ever experienced kidney problems after starting keto?

I’m 6 weeks in, feeling great, but seems like kidneys are struggling.
Pee is always acid yellow, I often wake up crumpled in the mornings with swelling spots on the skin here and there.

Made some blood tests, and Uric Acid is twice over the norm. I’ve never had any problems before keto, I don’t drink much (actually, I’ve tried both - drinking a lot, over 3 litres, and drinking low to moderate 1-1.5L).

Glucose, Insulin and everything else fine. Ketones in 1.5-2 range, just some cholesterol/ldl/hdl numbers suck, but thats fine, since it will take time.

Only concern is kidney issues for now.

(Ron) #40

Are you drinking enough water? Dehydration?