Hemp Milk (Polyunsaturated, but Omega 3)

(Ethan) #1

I really enjoy unsweetened hemp milk. Hemp milk has an “ideal” ratio of omega-6 fats to omega-3 fats of 3-1 and is high in both fatty acids. It is also very low in carbs (1g), high in fat (8g), and low in protein (2g) per serving. This would seem to make it an ideal dairy alternative. However, the label also breaks down those 8g of fats as 0.5g saturated, 1g monounsaturated, and 6g polyunsaturated, which is not ideal. Usually, people are concerned with the polyunsaturated fats and oils because of the omega-6 content I thought. So how does this match up?

(jilliangordona) #2

You are correct in that the issue is the high omega 6 to omega 3 ratio. I enjoy hemp milk as well as hemp hearts! Walnuts are also similar in being high in polyunsaturated fats but those are considered safe