Heart Disease dramatically decreased during/after WWI and WWII due to "meat shortage" and diet change to grains


(Bob M) #81

My favorite thing to ignore is when people say that meat causes obesity. Hah! Then why I have lost 50+ pounds while eating mainly meat? Why does my blood sugar not budge at all when I eat meat, but shoot through the roof when I eat “healthy” foods like fruit, whole grains, potatoes, etc.?

(Stephen Smith) #82

Life expectancy is among the highest for the Cantonese in Hong Kong, my spouse’s family culture. They may have the highest pork consumption among the human race. Meat portion size is likely the most important factor.


Depends on whether or not the fruit is hybridized and conventionally grown with pesticides.

Most people aren’t aware of air pollution, pesticides, vegetable oils and grain fed meat as additional contributing factors towards atherosclerosis and/or obesity. I never gained weight by eating only low temperature cooked grain fed meat but I had atherosclerosis because I collapsed to the ground whenever I tried to run.

Bears out in the wild eat 30000 berries per day and don’t suffer from atherosclerosis.



  • Carbohydrate overload: One of the more common causes, current theory states that if a horse is given grain in excess or eats grass under stress and has accumulated excess nonstructural carbohydrates (sugars, starch, or fructan), it may be unable to digest all of the carbohydrate in the foregut. The excess then moves on to the hindgut and ferments in the cecum. The presence of this fermenting carbohydrate in the cecum causes proliferation of lactic acid bacteria and an increase in acidity. This process kills beneficial bacteria, which ferment fiber. The endotoxins and exotoxins may then be absorbed into the bloodstream, due to increased gut permeability, caused by irritation of the gut lining by increased acidity. The result is body-wide inflammation, but particularly in the laminae of the feet, where swelling tissues have no place to expand without injury to other structures. This results in laminitis.

The front feet of this horse exhibit the rings and overgrowth typical of foundered horses

Compare the hoofs of the horse above to the fingernails of humans who consume grains. It’s no doubt the majority of humans suffer from laminitis.


Possibly not much sugar, desert type stuff?

Butter was rationed and not wasted but it and eggs were certainly eaten.
Maybe stress ironically less because no rat race, not much competition, everyone all in it together?

Varied country to country and region to region.
Certainly farms were still operating in Australia and although meat was rationed, there was meat…