Have I been doin IF too long?

(Jason Bennett) #1

I started Keto around Valentine’s Day at around 325, and by the 4th of July I was at just over 250. I started OMAD on week 2. My OMAD is literally 1 meal. No “window”, just dinner. Since early July I have bounced around between 250 and 244, so I’ve stalled. I just made a post on the extended fasting topic about starting my first extended fast to get the scale moving again. But I’ve been worried that I sabotaged myself by doing IF for too long and stunted my metabolism. I’m hoping that changing my patterns gets things going again. However I feel normal doing my OMAD now. It has actually been a struggle to make myself eat more often and more calories over the last few days prior to going into my 4 day fast starting tomorrow. I’m actually looking forward to a break from eating (and I love food!) So my question is, did I get overzealous with IF and break myself?

(Amy Ramadan) #2

Congrats on your loss this far, that’s amazing!!! Sorry, New here, can you tell me what OMAD is?

(Jane) #3

OMAD = One Meal A Day


Have you listened to these two podcasts? I have found them to be quite helpful. But essentially, changing patterns is def good. I’m not even going to try to butcher the explanation of why, the podcasts cover it well!!



^^ This. Listening to the Megan Ramos ep would be useful for many keto IF-ers.