Has anyone tried Keto without dairy?

(Sue) #1

Hello everyone!

I am restarting keto on round #2. (Round #1 took me from 286 to 235 in mid’18, then I needed to focus on other life things, managed to keep the weight around 235-240 with eating less processed food and taking a good hard look at my food addiction - short history). I started again late dec, am at 230 and want to make this a way of life.

I have often noticed that cheese sort of always threw me off - not one bite throwing me off of ketosis, I am just unable to control myself around it. Same with sour cream, cream cheese and greek yogurt to a lesser extent. I already know I am addicted to sugar and processed flour, but I think this might be a group I am specifically addicted to.

So, anyways, sorry for the long intro. I wanted to ask if anyone can relate with this? Has anyone tried to cut out all dairy from their ketogenic diet for whatever reason? Did that make you feel too restricted in your food and snack choices?


Posting on here to keep myself from eating sugar
(mole person) #2

I did the same a few weeks ago. For me my big addiction was cream in my coffee to desserty levels. I’d end up having six of them a day and drinking well past my entire carb limit in cream alone. On top of that I loved some of the softer sweeter cheeses like fresh mozzarella in my salads, or a big hunk of Jarlsberg. I’m better with the more aged cheeses but for now I’m been staying away from the whole group.

It’s been rather revelatory. I’ve not been trying to eat less but have been shedding extra fat effortlessly since taking away something that used to lead me to eat when I wasn’t hungry (well, in my case it was mostly drinking).

(Full Metal KETO AF) #3

I saw something in a documentary recently about how cheese in particular turns into something like an endorphin, which affect your brain similar to opiates and even hook up to the same brain receptors. This is why cheese people love the stuff and need a regular fix of it. It brings a sense of comfort and relaxation. Oh no, I hope they don’t start having CA meetings and another 12 step program. :wink:

(Katie) #4

I do not do dairy. Check out Shawn Mynar’s website for dairy-free keto resources.


I do not eat dairy. I love cheese but it makes me so sick. It is totally doable. I only eat at mealtime and do not snack.

(Allie) #6

I did it for six weeks and had no trouble at all, the only thing I missed was the plain Greek yoghurt I like to have.

(Nancy ) #7

Decided to cut out dairy about 3 days ago and the hip pain that I had started feeling again after 1 1/2 years on Keto is subsiding. I’ll be checking out the website mentioned above because I also love my cream and cheese😕

(Sheri Knauer) #8

Maria Emmerich has an entire cookbook of dairy free recipes. https://www.amazon.com/Easy-Dairy-Free-Ketogenic-Recipes-Favorites/dp/162860266X/ref=asc_df_162860266X/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312142549358&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6365390982351174117&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9007587&hvtargid=pla-418652498398&psc=1

(Allie) #9

Leanne Vogel too

(Carl Keller) #10

This makes sense. As a chef, I work with 9 different types of cheese, and I know how I am always tempted to nibble on every one of them when I see them. People say beware of sneaky carbs while doing keto but it’s also the sneaky fats that you need to worry about… cheese will sneak right into your mouth if you don’t watch yourself. :stuck_out_tongue:

(Ellen) #11

This happens to me regularly, that damned sneaky ninja cheese!

(Running from stupidity) #12

You people sound like bloody UKIP voters!

(Full Metal KETO AF) #13

Freaking liberal nazis…,

Nuttall said: “Supermarket shelf space that should be used for solid, heterosexual English cheese is being surrendered to squidgy European filth made by perverts.

“And as much as I respect the virile manliness required to take on a really hot curry, there comes a point where it goes from being just a bit too spicy to being a deliberate attempt to destroy British culture from within.

“Much like the snood.” :confused:

(Sue) #14

This is very interesting. I use some cream or half-half in my coffee but never would have thought that anyone could be addicted to it. It’s so weird the individual things that are problematic for each of us! I think the key is just recognize that and give it up, just like u did. Thanks for sharing!

(Sue) #15

For me, that is the dream - to not have to snack at all. I think I will get there in a few weeks. Right now since I just started I get pecking in the evening time

(Running from stupidity) #16

More dinner? More satiating dinner?

(Sue) #17

Thank you so much!!!

(Sue) #18

This is between lunch and dinner. I have lunch around 12:30 and don’t get to have dinner till around 8. Includes a 45 min commute from work to home in that time. So around 6:00-6:30 when I am leaving work is where I try to find snacks in the office and cheese is the only thing that’s keto-compatible. Everything else is packaged sugary “health” bars and chips

(Sue) #19

I am of Indian descent - let me tell you sometimes when I get together with family people cook and eat spicier hotter food to one up each other. It’s like a competition! :roll_eyes:

(Sue) #20

I am right there with you on the 12 step meetings! AA has helped me but from meeting other agnostic/atheist alcoholics and sharing our experience, strength and hope. Not doing a moral inventory of my character defects :woman_shrugging:t4: