Going nuts on nuts

(Oliver ) #1

Well not really but I have found them to be quite helpful and almost a necessary part of my diet recently .

I mean not least given that I really try to limit my animal protein consumption I have found nuts as a kind of necessary part of my diet lately. Eating on average about *30 to 90 grams a day (that is about 1-3 ounces) for those of you who don’t know.

In a broader sense I find it quite strange that not more nuts and nut-based recipes are not featured as a more prominent in the keto and Low carb world. I mean I think I would have a hard time sustaining myself without consuming nuts given that I just as mentioned really try to limit my animal protein consumption to maybe one egg a day or less.

I can otherwise mention that beside eating just plain nuts (which I do most of the time) I sometimes like to have a nut based bar (one without added sugar of course)

Now are there any other nut lovers out there? What are your favorite ways of eating or consuming nuts? Any other thoughts about this particular type of food?

Other than nuts I have also come to enjoy chocolate (in moderation) almost daily (not sure how healthy that is).

(Diana) #2

I don’t think it’s a matter of people not loving nuts….the issue is it’s a trigger food for many (myself included) that after I have about an ounce then I crave more and then I start craving other items and my appetite increases. It seems you’re one of the lucky ones where you can limit the quantity and not increase appetite which is excellent as then you can keep having nuts.

The only other item is they are high in omega 6, but at same time if you’re limiting other animal products you have to eat something and nuts are excellent.

My fave recipes are keto kung pao (chicken and nut based), as a dessert my fave is a mug cake made of peanut flour :slight_smile: omg just writing this out I’m already trying to figure out how to sneak in some nuts. Okay I have to stop!

Ps. Last note. Raw pecans that you roast yourself with some coconut oil and add spices (cayenne and some curry powder)

(Bill) #3



I had years consuming 150g nuts and oily seeds :slight_smile: Indeed, if you try to avoid animal protein and do keto, they are your allies. Though I never tried something close to vegan keto, I did have my eggs at least. I did vegetarian keto with much dairy at some point. Now I try to stay close to carnivore as it’s best for me but I didn’t remember my old times.

I have quite a few recipes with nuts and oily seeds. Almost all contains animal protein though. The wafers don’t. It’s when I mixed various oily seeds and water and microwaved out the water :smiley: They were thin, crunchy wafers, I loved them a lot before carnivore. Walnut/flax was the best, it just too often made me think of a bit of honey…

1 egg a day, it can be worked with it though my yolk+walnut microwave cake is super tiny if I only use a single yolk and 10g walnut… My SO needs that for ice cream.
But I won’t mention my walnutty sponge cakes, they are mostly eggs…
And my great cheesy sesame muffin has eggs and cheese alike… And very much sesame seeds, it’s a good stuff, I am glad my high-carber SO still uses it, it would be so sad to lose all the insane amount of time and effort to make good recipes just to throw it all out due to carnivore…

I can’t think about much more right now, it was years ago I depended on those things… I made salty peanut fat bombs but nuts probably can me okay fat bombs. I just always preferred my walnuts and almonds elsewhere (and loved peanuts best anyway. and couldn’t afford the fat in fat bombs either).

Chocolate? I think it’s healthy enough if it has no sugar and the consumer isn’t sensitive to anything in it… I avoid it because of all the fat. I make our own (almost-)chocolates (as it has no cocoa butter in it so I suppose it can’t be called chocolate?) since… A decade? More? It’s great when you can tweak the recipe to suit your actual taste and preferences!

By the way, chocolate covered nuts are a thing though I never was into them.

(Rebecca ) #5

If I have nuts…they are macadamia and I measure out 1/4 cup and eat them one at a time. They are lowest carb, that I know of and are quite luxurious to me!


Now that I think about it… 30-90g nuts is very little, it can’t help much with protein. What are your main protein sources then?


Do what works for you.

Nuts, massive trigger snack type item for me back in the ol’ days. Not real food at all now, I find them just literally annoying as hell plus I get mouth icky mouth numbness, tingles and more from the high tannins in them and when researched by me I found all the other they give the body is not a healthy alternative but again, that is me and my research on what I eat and how it effects me so…

Something I avoid like the plague now.

But if you do well on them have at it!!!

What is great for some is poison to another but key being, ya gotta do you in the end of it all no matter how foods effect others and you are curious about that info.

I see someone saying they can’t eat shrimp thru an allergy that could kill them and I think…damn I am super glad I ain’t got that, I eat a ton of shrimp in my life and I know I won’t stop eating this seafood cause I do so well on it…now someone else will have to say it is their poison literally. Just do what suits you best and you function best on and ya got it made in the shade.

Nut on man!

(Marianne) #8

Oh, please - I love nuts - too much. They are just too addictive and binge worthy to me, so I don’t buy them or keep them in the house. It’s a bummer, but they are just one of those foods that I find I can’t control if I have around. Case in point, last night we went to some friends’ house for dinner. All I ate was a cheeseburger and large romaine salad. I normally don’t eat salad, but it really was the only appropriate choice of the other menu options. They had three different bowls of nuts, which I really didn’t want to get into. I was hungry waiting for dinner, so I started with one cashew (heaven!), and then had one almond (so good!). After that, I was pretty much off and running. The only reason I didn’t consume all of them was because there were other people who might enjoy having some and it just wouldn’t have been appropriate. I enjoyed eating them thoroughly, but it sure drove home the fact that I stay away from them for good reason. Good for you that you can enjoy and eat in moderation!


Yep. I’m also lacking an off switch for nuts!

Although I did find that I can’t even tolerate Brazil nuts since going clean Keto. Haven’t tried any others yet, but safest assumption would be that ALL nuts are out ; )


It’s so surprising to see people with less control than me :smiley: I am bad enough, I assure you. Oh all the times when I ate a lot of peanuts while watching something (and I don’t eat while watching something - except peanuts. they are awesome)…
I can’t not have it in the house as my SO uses it as a complete meal (he is vain and need to watch his figure so it’s 110g now but he used to have 250g peanuts as a meal. a bit extreme if you ask me, my body would complain way before. a little is fine but really much… something feels off). So I am surrounded by multiple kgs of peanuts, a huge transparent jar full with it in sight. I had to be desensitized to some extent but it went poorly until carnivore.
And then I tried carnivore and the compulsion just stopped right away. It was great.

It comes back on my off days but I noticed I can handle it way better now. Or at least my amounts are smaller. But if I don’t have my determination and support of some carni days in my immediate past, the siren song of peanuts is there. And I don’t resist real, bona fide temptations, maybe the baby fledgling ones. And what harm can do 1-2 peanuts? 3 is 1g… Yeah, this thinking of mine is why I prefer proper carnivore with its zero tolerance…
Peanuts are still super tasty. I don’t want to give them up for good.

(Jane) #11

What nuts are you eating and why limit your animal protein? What is your goal for protein in grams?

I picked cashews (which may not represent what you are eating) and 90 g is 27 net carbs and 14 g protein. Pretty high carbs for the protein you are getting, IMO. Peanuts were better - 12 net carbs for 22 g protein.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #12

That’s a shame, because ruminant animal meats, especially beef, contain all the necessary amino acids in all the right proportions to make all the protein available. Otherwise, we are limited by the least available amino acid in the proteins we eat.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #13

I used to love cashews, too, but I recently had a bad experience with some improperly processed cashews. The urushiol was not fully removed, and gave me poison ivy “where the sun don’t shine.” Ouch! Not a fun experience. It took weeks for the blisters to heal and for the itching to stop. Never again! Now I look at a package of cashews and start itching. It’s a good deterrent.


just using an example cause I was this too…til I figured it out…took yrs too LOL

you can’t put down an addictive type munch easily food it shows you are hungry and wanting.

once I hit nutrient dense life saving satiated and healing/repair for me one can’t get me to munch an entire bag of anything, be it nuts or chips or whatever :slight_smile:

again just saying this as IF YOU can’t stop your body is not there on true healed nutrition for whatever reasons, be it THOSE reasons can be huge. time on plan, real diagonsed med issues in some, real prescip drugs are on and more. and mental struggle ensures as we do change and adapt!

very diff. people coming into this but trigger for me on the post…I can’t stop means one is hungry mostly. underfed nutritionally or hasn’t hit a healing level for their body.

OK It goes down that way for me and hearing how it goes down for others thru yrs on forums reading the WHYs of it all.

(Robin) #15

I am nuts about nuts too. They were a staple when I began keto a couple years ago. Finally realized that nuts and my beloved veggies are what triggered my diverticulitis flair ups. Many of us have issues with nuts, for whatever reason. And I am frankly jealous of your ability to have them.

(Ohio ) #16

I’m nuts too.
Raw almonds & walnuts.
Walnuts are o3 heavy.
Peanuts as a late snack.

The downside you find is the trace carbs can add up and there is phytic acid issue that nutrient science hasn’t scratched the surface of.

(Bob M) #17

Same here, although I keep a bag of macadamias in the basement. And I can make a recipe with nuts, such as a salad. I just can’t eat them by themselves, otherwise I’ll eat the whole bag.

For me, bacon is the same way. I don’t make bacon because of this.

(Bob M) #18

I could eat a pound of beef liver then eat a pound of nuts or bacon, and want more. And beef liver is the most nutrient-dense food I know of. There’s something addictive about nuts and bacon for me.

(Ohio ) #19

What’s your beef w bacon? As long as it’s raised good. Free of preservatives & sugar, good to go. I thought at least. I’d eat bacon every day if it wasn’t $20/lb. So I eat bacon every other day.


But it’s very low-cal. Of course I would be hungry after a pound of liver under normal circumstances.
But certain items make me hungry (or just keep my satiation at its current level) even after a big carnivore meal.
I still think @Fangs has a point, surely it’s not like this in each and every cases, we are too different and complicated for that but there is a correlation. I am most safe after getting proper nutrients and enough energy from a good meal, no wonder. (Unless I add carbs. But I almost always can eat a bunch of peanuts too.)