Goal - 6.5 day/156 hr Fast

(Heather) #21

I find this thread very inspiring! I’m enjoying reading your daily updates as to how things are going. I am 64 hours into what will hopefully be at least a 120 hour fast. :crossed_fingers:


Just read up on the legendary Brenda Zornfast—thanks for the lead and will mabe try to catch her on the February one!


I sometimes get muscle cramping too…I had some this morning, but they weren’t severe. I usually supplement with Magnesium, but pills hurt my belly during a fast so I havent taken them.


Thanks Heather! Congrats on the progress of your fast! This time has really been the best fast, its true what they say about it being like a muscle you have to exercise to get good at. I’m really hoping I can continue with a 2 day fast each week or two. I feel so healthy during this time.


138 hours, 18 to go!
Getting some strange digestive system things going on…and I’ll leave it at that. Bleh.
Feeling tired but I really think its from not sleeping long enough the last 2 nights. I LOVE how my jiggly areas have noticeably gone down. I need to remember how I feel/look right now so I refrain from going hogwild tomorrow…thankfully I dont think that will happen!
Almost there!!


Early congrats on your fast—nice job!!

Day 5 of 6 almost complete for me—looking forward to breaking it with dinner tomorrow night. I also have a tendency to go crazy eating after fast, so cooked up a few keto dishes to try to keep the focus.

Will post final weight loss results tomorrow …


Fast is over! Morning weight, 135.6…down a little less than 14lbs. Expecting 7 to come back the next few days, but am planning a 48hr fast next week!!! Great experience, best fast to date! Feeling motivated!


Great results—congrats!!

I lost 11 pounds and okay with that. Breaking fast in a few hours for dinner out. Still planning to do 3-day weekly fasts (M/T/W?) until I get to goal weight.

Thanks for starting the thread—helped me to have a fasting partner. :wink:


Congrats on your results! I enjoyed reading your posts as well.


After a day of eating
[spoiler]This text will be blurred[/spoiler]2 T of butter, 15-20 olives, some pickles and 5 macadamia nuts to break my fast, spinach,a hard boiled egg, more pickles, some blue cheese crumbles for lunch, and a slow roasted beef chuck, with celery, another spinich salad with EVOO salad dressing for dinner, my weight this morning was 138.[spoiler]This text will be blurred[/spoiler]

Expected the gain, may keep logging weight for a few days.[spoiler]This text will be blurred[/spoiler]


[spoiler]Keto meatballs with a side a butternut squash noodles last night to break the fast. I know, not the lightest reentry, but the dish was ready to go in the frig and felt good to just bake it up and have a nice dinner with my husband. I did forego the glass of wine, though. :)[/spoiler]

Anyway, was up a pound this morning. I’ll continue to track a few days, too, since post-fast is actually when I tend to blow it.

P.S. Change of plans on my “up next” approach for eating, because my husband is interested in doing IF with me. We’re going to do Keto-based OMAD (no worries if splurges happen) and each try to get 5-6 miles of walking in, too.


Your dinner sounds great! One of my challenges has been cutting out wine. I lovvveee red wine but unfortunately dont lose weight if I have even 1 glass.
Awesome on having a hubby on board with you on your journey! While mine is not discouraging or negative about my choices, he (and the kids) eat a very carb heavy SAD.


Supportive husband is good enough!! And, I fully expect mine to slip through a few drive-throughs now and then, too. :slight_smile:


Gained another pound back after “full” day of keto eating yesterday. So, net loss of 8 pounds from fast; will see what tomorrow brings.

Starting OMAD with husband today, plus a good hearty walk (4-6 miles) every day.


Im also up today. 140.4. Hopefully my weight starts to level out. But I fully expected regain. On another note, I am feeling pretty bloated too. My hands and fingers look like sausages and my face is puffy too. I’m confused about this as I supplemented with electrolytes during my fast. Hmmmmm…


140.7 this morning, but I ate a big ribeye steak much later than my normal dinner time, so I think Ive finally leveled out since refeeding. Happy with my results!


Congrats on your refeeding results!

OMAD and a 6-mile walk yesterday seemed to have helped for me; no weight gain today!

(Cam) #38

Congrats on finishing your longest fast. Well done :partying_face: