First Overnighter

(Andy Hanson) #1

I’ve been doing 16-24 hour fasts for the last few weeks, but I’ve been eating right before I go to bed. I’ve had insomnia for most of my life due to anxiety. When I go to bed, I just can’t stop thinking. Sometimes, I get to thinking about food, and before I know it I’m out of bed munching on something so my mouth will stop watering. Going to bed without eating has been a huge concern of mine.

Yesterday, I ate 12 hours before I went to bed. Had a few bouts of hunger throughout the day. I’m not used to that because I’m usually sleeping during the first 8 hours of the fast. When I finally made it to bed, I had zero problems. Maybe it’s because of the time change and I was just really tired? I don’t know, but now I’m 22 hours since eating and feel great.

Thanks to all of you for your encouraging posts and information. For the first time in years I feel like I’m taking care of my body!

(Zack F) #2

Congratulations! The point is, you’ve started.

(Eve) #3

Sounds like you may have figured out what works for you. Congrats! Keep it up.

(I am a Dog (Dog's eat until they burst!)) #4

Congratulations! We are all different and have to figure out what works for each of us.

(Andy Hanson) #5

Just a quick update. I broke my fast last night before going to bed after 32 hours. That was a mistake! It got my heart pumping like nobody’s business, and when I went to bed it was like I was running a sprint (slight exaggeration). It took me a long time to get to sleep.

So, what did I learn? The thing that I’ve been frightened of, trying to go to sleep on an empty stomach, was the exact wrong thing to be concerned about. I need to stop eating hours before I go to bed if I want to get a good night’s rest.

(I am a Dog (Dog's eat until they burst!)) #6

Learning to fast is a process, take your time and work into it. You’ve reached 32 hours so try to add another 12 to 24 hours the next time.

The more times you fast the easier it will become, especially the first few days. Fasting is mostly a mental game: we are used to eating 3-6 meals a day as we’ve been told so our mind says “Isn’t it time to eat?” Even when you are not hungry!

Think it through, take a glass of water with some salt, I use 1/4 tsp per cup, and then give it 20 minutes. Your hunger may disappear.

(Andy Hanson) #7

Very encouraging Ron! Thank you!

(Todd Allen) #8

I long suffered from insomnia and staying up late always made me hungry and I would snack a lot.

But I’ve found the combination of a brief intense workout, taking melatonin and a very hot bath with the lights out until my blood pressure crashes puts me to sleep as soon as I lie down in bed without fail regardless of how I was feeling. Though one does have to take care not to overdo it and faint in the tub…

Now if I’m hungry in the evening and feeling tempted to take another bite, instead I do my pre bed routine early, lie down and immediately go to sleep. And when I wake up it is very rare to feel any hunger regardless of how hungry I was the previous evening.


Congratulations! You give me hope. I have the same problem. I am afraid of going to bed at night unless my belly is full. I know it is a mind game, but this is a tough habit for me to break. I usually do a 20-22 hr. fast which is no problem, and then I eat for two hours. If I over eat then my heart seems to race all night and sleep is awful. I may try your technique eating 12 hours before bed time and then drinking a glass of water with salt if needed to squash my cravings.