First extended fast


Not Tim, but I would suggest reading the threads on here that focus on fasting; you’ll get lots of good info! Many folks use fasting to get through a stall or just as part of their usual health routine. It’s hard to say exactly when you’ll get to your goal weight, but fasting is definitely a tool that will help move you in that direction.
Coffee’s generally fine, and you should supplement with electrolytes (sodium in particular, also magnesium and possibly potassium). See Brenda’s KetoAid recipe for a good way to get in your electrolytes during a fast.
You can start with a few 40-hour fasts/ week and see how they go, and some people find that a split each week (3-5 days of fasting, the others of eating) work well until they get to their goal. When you’re eating, make sure you’re really eating (feasting!). Other folks - see above posts from Fiorella - dive right into super-long fasts but that’s unusual…
I’m one of many who work fine right through a fast but I wouldn’t time a long fast to coincide with a particularly high-pressure work stretch. Once you’re used to longer fasts, you might feel clear-headed or even euphoric, but folks also find that they get foggy-headed.
Congrats on your success so far!

(Tim) #22

Congrats as well on your success. Madeleine’s response contained everything I would have thought to say plus much more. I would just reiterate there’s no way to say for sure if you’ll reach your goal weight in the time you mentioned, regardless of what you do. Just pay attention to how you feel and what your body is telling you. And also be mindful of the NSVs (non-scale victories). Just because the scale isn’t moving in the direction you want, it doesn’t mean other positive changes aren’t occurring throughout your body.

Best of luck!

(James Taylor) #23

I started IF in the middle of August with Keto. I am a Type - 2 diabetic. I have lowered my insulin to 15 units a day (when feasting) from 78 units (when I was in control on Daniel Plan -Natural whole foods and grains). I do not use the insulin or metformin on fasting days. I have lost 22 pounds and my sugars stay in a 130-150 range on the 36 hour fast. I usually do the 36 hour alternate day fasts but have gone to 48 hours a few times. I am going to start my first extended fast today. I will check my blood sugars often. I am planning on just black coffee, water, unsweet teas. I know you need water and salt. Does the pink salt have the magnesium you need or do you have other supplements that you need? What are some other recommendations? Encouragements?

(Liz ) #24

I would say you’d need a separate magnesium supplement but see how it goes. I use it along with salt to stave off muscle cramps.

My best advice is to read every fasting thread on this forum where folks give their detailed personal experiences. That’s what helped me know what I might expect, pitfalls, benefits, tips.

Congrats & good luck!

(James Taylor) #25

Thank you for the post @LizinLowell ! I am almost through the first day, but I have been here before with the 48 hour fasts in the past. Tomorrow around bed time will be a test along with the 3rd day I am sure.

(Liz ) #26

Hope it’s still going well. I’ve had great fasts that were easy & others where I felt fatigued & droopy toward the end. Each time is a little different but I plan to keep at it. Let us know how it goes for you!

(James Taylor) #27

Thank you Liz for checking! It is going well. Blood glucose stayed between 115-135 mg/dl yesterday (No medications or insulin). Slept well, no problems. Woke up and checked my blood glucose at 6 am and it was like 132, but when I checked it at 10 AM it was like 175. Not sure if that was a "Dawn Phenomenon. Hunger is still at bay :slight_smile:

(James Taylor) #28

Just black coffee, multivitamin, salt, water, green and black tea so far!

(Liz ) #29

I have yet to be able to take my coffee black, so I’m impressed! Glad it’s going well for you. I don’t know from glucose levels except what I read on here. I’ve never tested mine.

(James Taylor) #30

Day 4 and still going! Still just black coffee, tea, water, and multivitamin. I did get some magnesium in yesterday. Sugars 120-160 mg/dl. No insulin or metformin.

(James Taylor) #31

Day 5 and still going :slight_smile:

(Liz ) #32

Wow! Nice work!

(Doug) #33

Sweet, James. :slightly_smiling_face: Feel that fat burning!

(James Taylor) #34

Thank you @OldDoug. Yes the fat is burning and I have a lot to burn. Day 1-3 was kind of hard but manageable. Yesterday I developed heart burn. I don’t usually get heart burn when I am feasting. I tried the ACV and it worked. I am not sure how long I will go at this point. Still black coffee, unsweetened tea, salt, multivitamin and water.

(James Taylor) #35

Day 6 and still holding!

(James Taylor) #36

What was your longest fast @LizinLowell ? How often do you do extended fasts? What is your usual fasting length?

(Liz ) #37

I think I made it to 69 hours once. I’ve done about 3 or 4 that were more like 48 hours. I often do 20-24 hours. And IF almost every day but following Megan Ramos’s advice I try to switch my timing up constantly to keep my body guessing & prevent falling into homeostasis. I prefer to naturally fall into EFs as those seem to go more easily. I’d really like to do more 72 hour fasts as I want to take advantage of autophagy. But my biggest obstacle is social in that I love making & eating dinner with my husband every night. He’s happy to fend for himself if I want to fast but I do miss the ritual of dinner together. In any case, I am always looking for fasting opportunities in my schedule & pouncing on them! Hoping for more longer fasts in the future!

(James Taylor) #38

Well I think I will break this fast tomorrow afternoon (7 - day fast). I am ready to eat again.

(James Taylor) #39

I think eating with spouse and family is very important. Almost a lost art anymore. I can really appreciate that and thank you for the support!

(Liz ) #40

I was able to cook for my husband while I was fasting one time & that was very nice, I wasn’t tempted to eat, making the food didn’t bother me. And I sat with him at the table and we chatted so that worked well even though it was weird.

Congrats on your amazing achievement! Time to ease into feasting again :smile: