First 24h fast

(Ethan) #1

I just finished my first 24-hour fast after doing a few 16/8 fasts. I tracked blood sugar and Ketones throughout:

7:00 pm (before last meal): BGS: 107, Ketones: 1.2
6:40 am (post cardio workout): BGS: 116, Ketones: 1.1
9:15 am: BGS: 122
11:20 am: BGS: 99, Ketones: 1.1
2:15 pm: BGS 92: , Ketones: 1.6
5:50 pm: BGS: 87, Ketones: 2.2
6:45 pm (post cardio workout): BGS: 91, Ketones: 1.9

These numbers are about normal with what I get when not fasting, except that I would normally have a BGS spike after eating lunch up to 140, and it will slowly go down over several hours. I also did not measure when I woke up at 5:45 am. My BGS is usually 120-140 a that time and will drop post-workout, but remain at that 120ish level until 10 am. If I don’t work out, it sticks at 140 until 10 am, when it drops.

I think overall this was a great experience. I will do more and longer fasts. At a minimum, the 24-hour fast kept my post-lunch glucose (and probably insulin) spike down, which must be beneficial. I didn’t really get hungry much during the 24 hours. If anything, it was like when I quit smoking–the act of eating is what I craved, but not actually any food.I really feel like making this a longer fast, but my wife made a lot of great food for me this week. (She’s always good to me.) I did eat a large dinner when I broke the fast. I’ll probably do a few more 24-hour fasts before increasing that to 48 hours.

(Edward) #2

Bravo, Ethan. I appreciate your description of what happened.


Well done and well documented. Practice is a good idea. Wishing you continued success.

(Sonia A.) #4

Be careful, it’s addictive :wink:.


Ethan, fasting give you a tremendous dens of power. The first 24 hour fast is just the beginning of what I bet you try. It is really easy to go from 24 hours to 36…just skip through supper to breakfast the next day. A mind hurdle really. Good luck!


So true, this so much about “mind hurdles”…Jump, and keep running toward the next one!

(Bacon, Not Stirred) #7

I see so much about fasting, but I just don’t know if I could do it! I honestly do really get HUNGRY. And when I’m hungry, I’m HANGRY. Kudos to you for being able to do it.