Fat per day, in cups?

(Tsering M) #1

For an average height, average sized woman of average/normal daily activity, how much fat per day, IN CUPS, would be the average - including fat contained in dairy, fat that comes with meat & nuts, fat in avocado, and all other possible fats?


Simple - to satiety. There is no measure per se. Keep your carbs low (<20g), your protein scaled to LBM and then fat to satiety. There is no minimum or maximum fat goal.

(eat more) #3

why in cups?
i don’t think it’s even possible to determine what one person is consuming in cups

(Tim) #4

Since every food contains a different amount of fat by volume, it’s impossible to say how much fat is in a cup of all foods. As @Daisy said, watch your carbs and protein and the fat will take care of itself, as long as you’re eating to the point you’re no longer hungry.

(John) #5

Question seems odd, so I will take a different approach than the others with how I am reading it. 1 cup of pure lard is 1,850 calories, so an average sized woman i’m guessing is 1,500 calories, which if 80% fat would be 1,200 calories which is 65% of 1 cup of lard which is almost exactly 2/3 cup of fat per day.

(Tsering M) #6

I am in a weird conundrum is why I asked - being hungry is not my issue but rather “not” being hungry. But if I don’t consume enough calories I cannot fall asleep at all; I will be in bed very wired. This started happening to me since 2006. I also only eat once a day - I mostly forget and also dread to eat but then towards evening I will remember that I cannot sleep without eating, so will eat (this happens on a daily basis).

I am not eating dairy (except I just started eating ghee again, to have some variety in my fat sources). For meat, because I am in Nepal. I don’t have much choice beyond straight up meat (bacon & such are still new here and not widely available). I was eating AIP (autoimmune protocol) for more than half a year before I recently started easing into keto. With AIP, starchy vegetables provided a decent amount of my daily calories. Now it’s just veg, meat, eggs, & oils. I haven’t started eating nuts yet. Avocado is very hard to find here. My choices of healthy oils are limited too.

So every evening I get stressed out wondering just how much ghee to use for my uno meal - because now the vegetables are not providing much calories and I have to be careful with my meat + eggs combo serving.

I have to gauge right or I waste hours trying to fall asleep (plus it’s very painful). If I can then muster my will to eat some I can fall back to sleep but it’s incredibly difficult to want to eat again.

(Tsering M) #7

Thanks. 2/3rd cup seems about the right amount.


Ah OK. What about fatty cuts of meat - can you get those? That is one of the easiest ways to get fat in. They are also usually the cheapest.

(Becky) #9

Elegantly stated!

(Tsering M) #10

Thank you. Yes we can find fatty cuts of meat. But issue is to know how much fat I am getting - that I am getting enough but not in excess🙂


You wont have an excess from fat in meat. You wont have an excess if you eat fat to satiety.

(Mike W.) #12

It would take a exorbitant amount of fat to eat excess. Your body doesn’t store fat as fat.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #13

I bet I eat a cup.
Just sayin’.

(Arlene) #14

I love this answer, however I feel I need to mention that lard has been rendered down from pieces of fat. A visual cup of fat, say on a steak is not going to be equal to a visual cup of lard that has been rendered down from fat chunks. It doesn’t matter much anyway. For the original person asking the question about how much fat to help with sleeping at night, just add more if you need to. Don’t be concerned with getting too many fat calories. Just work on finding the right amount that works for you.

(Tsering M) #15

Because, then you would just have diarrhea? - if you ate too much fat?

(Tsering M) #16

Thank you for answering. But I didn’t quite understand - these 2 kinds of fat, lard & steak fat, are not equal you say, you mean visually?

They would provide equal amount of energy I reckon, no?


They will provide an equal amount of energy per gram; however, the steak fat is puffier than tallow or lard so one gram of steak fat will take up more volume that one gram of rendered fat (e.g. lard).

Anyway, you don’t need cupS of fat in a day. It will be about one cup.

(Tsering M) #18

I get it now🙂 Thanks for bringing this up & also for explaining it - this distinction hadn’t occurred to me before.

(Tom Cox Jr) #19

Heck yeah! I eat 1/2 to 1-1/2 cup of added fat per day. Especially when I focus on adding more fat (butter, coconut oil, Olive oil) but when you started the steak challenge it convinced me to get back to going to the butcher and buying a couple lbs of fat trimmings per week. I just fry up about 4-6 oz per meal and eat it with some steak. Freakin delicious! And it seems to give me more stable energy throughout the day and broke a stall. Thanks for the motivation.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #20

Yes! Agreed. And YW :slight_smile: