Fasting advice

(Ryan Ackerman) #1

Hey everyone!

I’m a newbie and need some advice! I’ve been fasting 5:2 for a few months now for both health and religious reasons, and I’ve decided to a water fast through Lent every day except for Sundays. I’m trying to do this as healthily as possible, so I had a few questions.

  1. Should I be taking supplements and/or multi-vitamins? If so, what do you recommend?

  2. What and how should I be eating on my feast days?

  3. How much water should I be aiming for a day?

Any other advice would be greatly appreciated!

(Rob) #2

Big discussion and community who are going to do it this year. Read it and join in!

The search function is your friend. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: