What I ended up doing was eating. I got the Moderna shot then went home and got a bit queasy, so I ate. Unfortunately, it was really late, 7:30pm, and then I had to go pick up my daughter at 9pm. I ended up eating too late, which then interfered with my sleep. This has always been my problem with OMAD – I need to eat earlier if I do OMAD.
Also, I’m getting over a cold that went into my lungs. I’ve had a cough/cold for over 3 weeks now. (I thought us low carbers were supposed to be bulletproof, but this is the third time I’ve been sick in a few months. Gah! None of them were that bad, but still…) Anyway, that alone could have caused me to eat.
As for whether the shot is worth it, I’ve been listening to This Week in Virology for well over a year now, and the answer is…it’s unclear. Someone said above to get your antibodies tested, but these are meaningless on a per-person basis. On a population basis, they do provide some evidence of benefit, but even there, it’s not possible to know how much. The human immune system is so complex, with B cells, T cells, even “cholesterol”, that it’s hard to know what to use as a metric of benefit.
And I found out that I have genetics such that even if I get covid, I might get it to a very low level.
But I also have heart failure. I’ve had it for 10 years, but this year was the first year my ejection fraction (a measure of how much your heart pumps out) went down. Now, I think I MIGHT have had covid, but none of my many rapid tests came up positive. (If my genetics theory is correct, that might explain why – I could get covid but at a low level.) If I had covid, that could explain reduced output. The problem is that it can take a loooong time to get over covid, and there are very few (only one I could find) studies of people with my condition getting covid. And it wasn’t good.
And I cannot find a test that tells me whether I’ve had covid, as once you get vaccinated, you have antibodies.
For me, at my age, and with my preexisting condition, I thought the booster was a worthwhile option.
I did get a slight pain in my shoulder last night, though I did my “long” body weight workout this morning and feel fine.
I selected the Moderna booster because it has slightly more of the original RNA and RNA designed for Omicron than does the Pfizer booster. It provides more antibodies in testing, though again whether that’s worthwhile or not is up in the air.