Falling off horse as we speak

(Empress of the Unexpected) #1

Definitely am falling off horse! As we speak. Thai food. Haven’t cheated in 30 days! Hubby is a plumber and he has been working ten hour days. Last night he wanted Thai. Son wasn’t hungry and we had pork that needed to be eaten. So we planned on today, I can only justify it by saying it’s a once every four months thing. Hamburger joints, no problem. No bun, no sauce. Basically, this is our Thanksgiving. Cause on Thanksgiving we only eat lamb! Back on keto tomorrow.

(TJ Borden) #2

It’s a lifestyle. LIVE, then get back on the horse tomorrow. KCKO

(Empress of the Unexpected) #3

I fully intend to!

(Empress of the Unexpected) #4

So I have to ignore the leftovers in the fridge tomorrow?

(TJ Borden) #5

If you have leftovers, you’re doing it wrong. :smile:

(TJ Borden) #6

But, yeah. Skip those. I’ve found that I can take a meal, or even part of a day off, from time to time. I’ve never been off longer than that on keto, but when I was on LCHF, if I rolled my “break” over to a second day, it would always turn into months.


Now that I’m six months in and lost 110 pounds, I allow myself one cheat meal a month. My last cheat meal didn’t even knock me out of ketosis (just had a lower than average reading) and I didn’t get derailed at all. I gained a pound or two but I lost it again super quick. No biggie.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #8

Hey, need to respect the guys in the household!!!

(Empress of the Unexpected) #9

Okay - I’ll have me my bacon!!!