Extended Fast Complete - Need help understanding numbers

(Kyle Kerstiens) #1

I was Keto for 8 months last year and I ended up dropping it over the holidays for various reasons and to be honest it was my fault not picking it back up but life gets in the way and I made excuses weekly and gained all my weight back. I only tell you this because I gained the weight back at a crazy rate. I was at 205 lbs but went back up to 234 in 4 months. This was probably be to the lifestyle and eating choices I made but my BG test this morning makes me post this.

Starting Info. 234 lb Male 6ā€™-0" 40yrs old
4/16 of this month I was 234 lbs. I dropped to 229 by 5/2 which was the initial water weight drop and some fat. This was not difficult as I love my beer and removing this and eating better its easy for me to lose weight starting out.

I walk 45 minutes a day but have not added working out yet into the equation as I have just been to busy so far with work.

So I wanted to see if I was fat adapted in under a month so I fasted on 5/2 and went 88hrs. At hour 85 I felt great and had no hunger and wanted to go another few days. For my latest fast and all previous my body changes quickly and I go from feeling great to needing to get off the fast. This time it was some light headedness and so I ate but I ate Keto.
Day 1: Ketones 1.5, BG 74
Day 2: Ketones 3.2, BG 72
Day 3 Ketones 5.2 , BG 74
Final weight 221.5 lbs

I ate that afternoon at 4pm and later in the day at 10pm. So this morning I wake up and do my testing and my Ketones were at 4.0 and BG at 90 and my weight 222.

Iā€™m concerned that my BG was at 90 the next morning 9 hours after I ate. What is normal here. I think I am going to stop looking at weight loss and focus on Insulin Sensitivity here as I think the normal is what I was on the fast. This may be why I gained it back at such a fast rate.

I guess I am just looking for opinions on my numbers. I know my ketones are a lot higher numbers than most also.
Any help is appreciated.

(Trish) #2

My understanding is that a FBG of <100 is good. Ie. Normal.
Did you take all the BG readings at the same time of the day?

(Kyle Kerstiens) #3

I did for those numbers. I take first thing in the morning. I tried one last night 2 hrs after eating: BG 109. This morning it was 104.

(Trish) #4

Some people have higher sugars in the early a.m. maybe take it a couple hours after you get up but still before youā€™ve had anything and see of thereā€™s a difference.

(karen) #5

My husband is diabetic and takes metformin to control his BG. His target BG in the morning is 100, which his doc said is the target ā€˜fastingā€™ BG for anyone. (ā€œFastingā€ meaning not eating anything after you go to bed til you have your BG tested. Fasting for long periods will obviously give you very low BG because you no longer have much glucose in your system at all, but ANY carb you eat will be converted to glucose, even if youā€™re in ketosis / eating keto. Even lettuce has some carbs in it. So itā€™s not surprising your BG was a little higher.) I have also heard that some people have an unexplained BG spike first thing in the morning. Also, if you had bone broth, itā€™s loaded with glutamine, which can be converted to glucose by the liver. Iā€™m very disappointed to hear that bone broth isnā€™t a great choice for people looking to push their ketosis. :frowning: Bottom line: 104 is a pretty normal waking BG level, not cause for alarm.

(Kenneth) #6

Also to note: When are you testing AM/PM? It is well documented that BG is higher in the morning.