Experiment: Standing desk


(Michael Wallace Ellwood) #34

Pictures? We want pictures! :wink:

(Gary Turner) #35

My neighbor recently built a standing desk with the usage of table lifts from Progressive Automation. Honestly, I don’t know what exactly he used, but it looks great. I will ask him to send pictures.
Here is some information on how to build a standing desk: https://www.progressiveautomations.com/building-automated-standing-desk-table-lift-set/

(Patty W) #36

On a separate, but related topic, I am also starting to incorporate this idea into crafting as well.
Rather than sitting at a table for hours when I sew/quilt, I’m experimenting with ways to position my sewing machine so I can stand while I sew (e.g using rolling cart, cutting table).

(jketoscribe) #37

I think it would be especially great for crafting because having an adjustable height would allow you to work ergonomically for a variety of tasks.

(David Driver) #38

I keep thinking about a workbench that will automatically raise and lower with a foot switch.

(Keto in Katy) #39

I pulled the trigger on this today, the Jarvis Bamboo Adjustable Standing Desk by Fully. I looked at a lot of reviews and this model consistently graded out very well. I’m looking forward to getting it set up and see how it goes. I went with the 60×30 size.

Breaking my fast
(Todd Allen) #40

Thanks to this thread I mocked up a standing desk test by putting a board across the arm rests of my chin up & dip exercise tower. And it is great. I spend too much time sitting with a computer. I tried setting an alarm timer to force me to get up periodically but not sitting down is better, at least when not doing really serious work. I’ve been seeking more ways to improve health and fitness and this was such an easy one that I’m embarrassed not to have thought to do this on my own. Hopefully, I’ll still be enthused after a few more days of use.

(jketoscribe) #41

I’ve had my adjustable standing desk a few weeks now and still really like it. I prefer standing to sitting until very late in the day when I just get tired.

(Stephanie ) #42

I have been standing at work for a year and one-half. After six weeks I was completely used to it.

To get started I put reams of paper under the legs of my desk. That allowed me to experiment with different heights. I ended up with 5 reams of paper under each leg.

As part of my mindfulness work I set a timer for 25 to 30 minutes and either do some stretches or leg bends or sit down and return phone calls for awhile.

(David Driver) #43

Total NSV today! It is the Medieval Fair in Norman this weekend. I go pretty much every year, and every year I hobble out with some pretty bad back pain. Except this year was entirely pain free! After just a few weeks of using the standing desk my back is enough stronger that we walked the entire time without without having to sit and we walked about 50% more than usual. I am absolutely converted to standing desks now. It is that dramatic.

(David Driver) #44

I am sure that having lost sixty pounds over the last two years helped too but I believe the majority of it is the desk.

(Keto in Katy) #45

Glad to hear the good news about your back @David_Driver — I don’t know if there is much science on this but I just feel that we are not evolved to sit for extended periods. I feel crappy when I do, and feel better when I stand a lot more. I’m sure for one thing we get better circulation when standing, yes?

(MakinBacon) #46

That Jarvis desk looks amazing!

(Keto in Katy) #47

The Jarvis Bamboo Adjustable Standing Desk was delivered yesterday. I still need to do some cleanup with all the cabling, but it is up and working.

The bamboo surface is really nice and smooth. I added a secondary shelf (from Ikea) along the back to elevate my external 28 inch monitor and provide a little more surface space. The desk moves up and down very smoothly and there are 4 programmable buttons so you can set your preferred heights.

(David Driver) #48

@stacy, that is a sharp desk. Would you mind telling me how much the shipping cost?

(Keto in Katy) #49

@David_Driver The desk configuration I ordered was $699 and shipping was included.

(David Driver) #50

I remember that they used to make workbenches that had mechanical screws that would raise and lower the work surface with a crank. They were used in higher end assembly work. I wonder if those are still available.

(David Driver) #51

Yes, they still make them and their price starts around where the Jarvis ends. And they are mechanical so I think I am going to order a Jarvis for home.

(Todd Allen) #52

After a week of standing instead of sitting my feet are a bit sore. As I continue to adapt and get more used to standing I expect this will fade. I’m finding it increasingly easy to eat meals, type and do many things I had only done while sitting.

One thing I didn’t expect has been a dramatic improvement in bowel transit time. I wasn’t truly constipated before, just slow, with food typically taking 3 to 4 days to make its exit after ingestion. And now it is 2 days. This is a big win for me and I’m glad this thread prompted me to try it.


I’ve have had a sit/stand desk at work for about 3 years. I love it. I did force myself to only use it in the standing position about a year and a half ago. I have back problems from a fall a few years ago, so it’s really helped with that. I don’t stand all day, but any time I need the computer, I have to stand. Which is a lot throughout the day. Don’t forget to add a cushioned mat under your feet. I have one that the office paid for (kind of thin) and added a thicker one (kitchen type) on top of the first one. That really saves your feet. Plus, I never stand still. I’m always shifting around, almost figgity (is that a word?).

One last thought, I always wear comfortable shoes to work. If I don’t for some reason I will take my shoes off. :smiling_imp: