Breaking my fast

(Lynne Austin Whitmore) #1

I am on day 5 of my first fast and will likely break it for the weekend. My concern are I’m 46 have always been relatively slim until around 6 months ago when I packed on 15 kg. I was under a lot of stress and my natropath thinks my metabolism may be stuffed due to years of under eating I am also mildly hypothyroid. My question is how do I fix my metabolism? I usually only eat one meal a day do I need to eat more meals and do I increase the amount I’m eating. I wasn’t losing weight until the fast but do not have any keto testing equipment so don’t know if I was really in ketosis.

(Meeping up the Science!) #2

If you aren’t eating for an extended period of time and you’ve used up your glucose stores you are in ketosis.

Hypothyroidism often causes you to gain 10-15 pounds of water weight until it’s treated. That may be the cause, absolutely.

(Zu) #3

Great stuff, good going!

I have sometimes experienced a situation similar (except I havent gained weight yet but its coming lol)…I have found breaking the fast on cucumbers, then slowly adding avocado (good plant fat) and then maybe yoghurt can be a safe path out of a fast and gently keeping keto while not hurting the digestion…I have also found great success in fixing my metabolism in having for 7 days, 6 evenly spaced fat and protein meals, and keeping moderately active during that time. It feels like too much food but keep them small (like total calories and macros divided by 6)… keeping active/walking/exercise/cleaning - in my case I was chainsawing and clearing my fence line :evergreen_tree::deciduous_tree: or anything - especially light weights or aerobics… This will do two things: the 6 small meals helps re-set your blood-sugar levels, especially the fat and protein and helps restore your metabolism and the activity, helps to bring your metabolic rate up to level… You may wish to keep this way, or your can notch it down slowly, where by you may eat 2-4 times comfortably, but your body has increased the metabolism to coincide with the increase in food. Keep the meals keto - low to no carbs and good fat and meat…

I measured turkey mince with spices and herbs into little love-heart rissoles cooked up a batch exactly to measure by the gram, then just heated one up 6 times a day, with fat (homemade mayo)… then I go outside and got to work or ran, or did lifting… then had another little snack…
Later on I was only eating a small amount - BUT my metabolic rate was repaired and the food I WAS eating was nutrient dense and was suitable for me

(Lynne Austin Whitmore) #4

Thank you, I will try that. Just wish I didn’t do office work I seriously hate sitting all day. Fortunately my hours are good so it’s not 8 hours worth. I do walk around 1 to 1.5 hrs a day and after the fast which I think I’ll break today I will add light weights.

(Keto in Katy) #5

See my post below from a few months ago about a standing desk. Maybe see if you can get something like this?

I like this thing a lot because I can’t tolerate sitting for long periods. I have too much energy to spend my day in a chair.

(Lynne Austin Whitmore) #6

That looks perfect, unfortunately work has built in desks which are completely the wrong height to work at comfortably. Otherwise I’d likely buy my own standing desk and bring it in to work.

(Zu) #7

They have standing desk attachments that go ontop of a regular desks.


But I have heard some people use them for a few weeks then concede and pack them away… lol

This is a pretty funny story about it I loled my head off thinking yeah that’d be me.