Exercise makes my ADHD symptoms come back

(Jen Sa) #1

Hi! I’m new here but i don’t know where else to ask about this. I went keto 1.5 years ago mainly to manage ADHD and it’s been great, however i eventually included a bit of fruit because it didn’t seem to affect the cognitive benefits.

Well, recently i started working out and it feels great; except afterwards i get really hyperactive, can’t get anything done or go to sleep on time. (just like the good old pre-keto days). I’ve tried refraining from fruit and including more fat on training days; and also training fasted; but neither helped.

So far my theory is that hyperactivity comes back because my brain starts working on glucose, since i remember hearing that the body elevates glucose levels during exercise or something along those lines. Next time i was planning to try MCT oil after a workout. Any ideas? Anyone else with the same problem? It really sucks to compromise between exercise that i’m actually enjoying for once and keeping my life on track :frowning:

(Nicole Sawchuk) #2

Hmm interesting. I just added exercise back into my life after adjusting to keto the last year. While I do have ADD (I’ve never been hyper type), I found my sleep with exercise has gotten better. But I have found in the last couple weeks that my brain is not as sharp. I initially thought it was because I am at my goal weight and I am just not feeding my brain enough. As I eat in 2 - 3 hour window each day. So I started adding more fats to my diet (which is leading to a slight weight gain - I recognize it could be muscle so I am not panicking). Never thought about what you said and ADHD…I still take a very low dose of medication…

You’ve given me something to think about!

(Jen Sa) #3

Good luck, let me know if anything seems to help!
With hyperactivity it’s been pretty unambiguos, i bounce off the walls every time after exercise, then next morning i’m completely back to normal :woman_shrugging:

(Banting & Yudkin & Atkins & Eadeses & Cordain & Taubes & Volek & Naiman & Bikman ) #4

I was unable to control ADD with the diet, so I just used amphetamine salts during my previous weight loss. I’m scheduled for next week to go get hooked up with that or sth again.

(jilliangordona) #5

Are you using any type of pre workout? Since being keto I can’t handle them, they make me anxious and crazy even after a hard workout

(Banting & Yudkin & Atkins & Eadeses & Cordain & Taubes & Volek & Naiman & Bikman ) #6

In my previous experience, I used to take a 10mg ahead of working out. Low dose, helped me focus on the workout.

What are you doing for workout? I was lifting and HIIT. I forget how my sleep was, but I was getting enough, based on my journals from the period.

(jilliangordona) #7

Just for clarity, as you asking me or the original poster?

(Banting & Yudkin & Atkins & Eadeses & Cordain & Taubes & Volek & Naiman & Bikman ) #8

Honestly, I’m not sure.

This is why I need meds.

(jilliangordona) #9

Lol, well I do strength training 3 times a week, kickboxing three times per week and yoga 2-3 times per week

(Jen Sa) #10

No, not taking anything pre-workout, just my usual supplements (b complex, d3 and electrolytes)

(Jen Sa) #11

I started crossfit, and i’m completely out of shape. Feels pretty intense and i’d expect myself to get tired but instead i’m jumping around till 2am.
DURING exercise i can concentrate just fine though, it’s afterwards that’s the problem :frowning:

(jilliangordona) #12

You may also be experiencing raised cortisol levels from your workouts, causing a fight or flight stress response and increasing adrenaline. Could you move your workout to the morning? Cortisol is naturally higher at that time

(Jen Sa) #13

It certainly doesn’t feel like flight ot flight ( i also get super cheery and talkative) but i’ll try and see if it helps! Thank you!

(jilliangordona) #14

Raised cortisol can feel like that too! It doesn’t have to be bad, it just wakes your body up to make sure you are “ready to go.” Your body may be perceiving your workout, especially something like CrossFit, as a stress and threat to the body. I go to a kickboxing gym and experience the same thing, I’ve had to move that type of workout to the morning, and yoga and strength training only in the evenings

(Jen Sa) #15

Hmm, actually now that i think about it walking for 3 hours doesn’t make me hype! I wonder if maybe meditating after traing would help calm down…?

(jilliangordona) #16

I think it definitely could! I would still recommend trying to workout in the morning if you can. I know waking up early stinks, but once I got used to it I found my body did so much better when I worked with it’s natural energy changes. Our bodies are winding down in the evening, not ready to kill a CrossFit workout

(Karen Mangiacotti) #17

I am also Keto and ADD. I find that I simply must do most excersize in the am, or not at all.

(Nicole Sawchuk) #18

I wish I could workout in the morning! But I get up to go to work at 4:30am…I am not getting up earlier!

I’m always shocked at how often people workout (this is jealousy)! I am lucky if I get in 3 - 30 minutes sessions in per week. Between work and kids there just isn’t enough hours in day!

(Banting & Yudkin & Atkins & Eadeses & Cordain & Taubes & Volek & Naiman & Bikman ) #19

Yeah, I was always a workout at dawn guy. Up at 5:30, to work/gym by 6:30, at my desk by 7:30. Good times.


Lol I was reading through the thread and just thought of suggesting meditation to you but youd already thought of it! Im AD/HD (predominantly ADD with some H) and a meditator and find its brilliant for resetting and transitioning. Like if ive been active or chatty and need to settle down. Or ive been working intensely in hyper-focus, and need to get out of my head to start to be sociable. 10-20 minutes works like a treat.

Mind you, thats only when im disciplined!

Great thread, really interesting (and helpful!) to see the responses