Hi! I’m new here but i don’t know where else to ask about this. I went keto 1.5 years ago mainly to manage ADHD and it’s been great, however i eventually included a bit of fruit because it didn’t seem to affect the cognitive benefits.
Well, recently i started working out and it feels great; except afterwards i get really hyperactive, can’t get anything done or go to sleep on time. (just like the good old pre-keto days). I’ve tried refraining from fruit and including more fat on training days; and also training fasted; but neither helped.
So far my theory is that hyperactivity comes back because my brain starts working on glucose, since i remember hearing that the body elevates glucose levels during exercise or something along those lines. Next time i was planning to try MCT oil after a workout. Any ideas? Anyone else with the same problem? It really sucks to compromise between exercise that i’m actually enjoying for once and keeping my life on track