Exercise and weight gain: stop worrying


LOVE this post! SO TRUE!!! I wont weigh myself for about 2 days after leg day because the scale always jumps a lb or two after.

(Stickin' with mammoth) #6

DOH! Totally forgot about this, thanks for the reminder. Unfortunately, I’m in the frustrated, borderline-homicidal little group of athletic ketoers experiencing screaming levels of inexplicable DOMS from the most meager of workouts so not a lot of problems with muscle gain since there’s practically none. Snort.

(Adam Kirby) #7

That’s why it’s so important to use a measuring method in addition to scale weight. My scale weight has stayed the same for months, yet I feel like I’m leaning out.

(Steak and iron) #8

measuring tape, reference clothing item, or pictures. The scale is stupid. I usually ask people that let’s say the laws of physics stopped working and you somehow got down to the size and shape you wanted but the scale still said 300 pounds, would you really care?

(Stickin' with mammoth) #9

Aw, hail, yeah. I have a Tanita that lies like a rug about body fat percentages. When your underwear starts falling off, you are NOT the same percentage you were last year.


Agreed. The other element that people forget is that your lean muscle can increase as your fat drops, especially if you haven’t done much resistance training before.

It can even happen with no resistance training if the body was incorrectly nourished beforehand…

This was a fascinating read My six week ketogenic diet experiment

(Cesare) #11

Thank you for posting this. I think so many people get hung up with this strange idea of not exercising cause they wont lose weight.

I found this way of eating cause I wanted to lose weight, but the way you feel and the energy it provides you is as wonderful as the lbs you shed. Exercising just compounds those feelings to the point that without it your body feels sluggish.

So what you held on to some extra water weight or dare I say GAINED some muscle mass. It seems to me that this exercise phobia is just a convenient way to continue to sit on the couch.

Take advantage of that new body you created and see what it can do. You wouldn’t keep the sports car you’ve spent all your time and money on earning in the garage.

(Kathy L) #12

I am interested in getting stronger - so I started resistance training. I’ve also been on a year-long stall, after losing 40 lbs. Coming up on 2 years keto - looking forward to being stronger, and hoping to say good-bye to more of those stubborn lbs! :slight_smile:

(Kenneth Coleman) #13

I think we need this post summarized in an audio version. Of course we know this, it makes sense, but we forget when that lying, cheating scale whispers in our ears " you’re still fat! It’s not working!" I need a confident voice reminding me my skin is getting loose and my man chest is growing in a good way!

Maybe James Earl Jones voice or someone…

(Dan ) #14

I had what I thought to be a stall and I reevaluated my daily routine and I came up with I wasn’t taking in enough fat and that launched a heavy duty weight loss better than when I started this last March 2017 not sure if this helps I just thought I would share my finding on my renvaluation of myself and habit

(Tim ) #15

So glad I checked in. Just rejoined the gym and started putting on weight. A pound or two a day but pants are getting looser. So anyway I guess doing things right. Keto on!


I posted this photo on another thread, but it fits nicely here as well. Check out this woman:

30 AM

(Kathy L) #17

Thank you - that may be part of my problem- I’ll re-evaluate!

(Ruth) #18

I am brand new, and I’m here because while researching the source of my frustration - weight gain - I happened upon this post! I’ve been doing strict Keto just over two weeks and lost 16 pounds just like that. Then I started working out on a regular basis and running, pretty hard, some days. Then boom. 1.5 weight gain one day…and another 2 pounds of weight gain the next day. This post really helped me stop being discouraged. I’m hoping the weight-loss does eventually show on the scale again soon, but until then, I’ll check the old “pants-o-meter” and get a measuring tape!

(Candy Lind) #19

Far more reliable - the scale is a lying liar who lies. :innocent:

(Nicole Sawchuk) #20

I needed this today. After a year of keto and weight loss. I am in maintenance mode. I decided to finally get back into exercise (I use to do it often but stopped a year ago to focus on diet plus life was busy). Suddenly I am up 4 pounds consistently! I know the science and reason, but its nice to read it as a reminder.


I started searching to see if exercise is counterintuitive to keto and apparently so.

I play recreational tennis in a league. I have noticed that the days I practice or play, my weight is up the following day or I noticed I do not lose weight. I typically play 5 days a week.

I have noticed as well that the days I play I eat the same calorically as the days I do not play, but I typically burn about 500-700 calories on play days and I generally consume about 1600-1700 calories. I generally do not eat more to compensate for the deficit. Should I?

By not eating to compensate for the exercise expenditure am I just low carb and harming my metabolism?

I am 4 weeks into keto WOE, a 53 year old woman. I find my endurance has increased and my mental clarity while playing is amazing. I do not tire the way other woman do. I love this! Just want to ensure I am eating enough so that I can continue to lose weight and I am not resetting my metabolism at 1000 cal per day.

How I drew this conclusion is that I traveled for 5 days last week and I started losing weight, even though I was eating out. I did not exercise while I was away other than walking.


(Courtney Finley) #22

I’m so glad I found this!! How long does it take for your body to get use to the exercise? I did a beachbody workout and holly cow Its 3 days later and I hurt so so bad. Im not quitting. I want to workout again today I’m just not sure if I should?

(Erinn Marie) #23

Thank you! This is EXACTLY what has been going through my head the last week! Also, LMAO at your commentary!

(Sarah Slancauskas) #24

Thank you for this reminder. I really needed this point refreshing in my brain. It’s funny how seeing the scale number climb slightly can throw your thinking despite knowing that it’s lean muscle gain your seeing represented, not fat. I train with 60 minute HiiT using 2x 5-8kg dumbbells 5 days a week and want to build muscle yet when I see my weight increase a weird panic sets in. Totally illogical. Thanks again for the reminder to calm down!