Environmental Footprints of Animal & Plant Food Production - Real Numbers

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #1

I’m linking this study as a data resource, including 62 additional citations, to be used in any/all discussions regarding the claims by vege/vegans and others that producing animal based food is environmentally unsustainable and/or plant based food production is the only way to save the planet™. This study supplies the real numbers. If you want to jump to the conclusions just scroll down or search the page for Discussion. The following is the final paragraph.

In conclusion, our data show that the concept of the “environmental footprint” associated to the production of animal vs. vegetal protein-containing food products, needs to be re-evaluated on the basis of the content of essential amino acids in foods. The production of protein-containing animal foods would retain a (much) lower environmental impact than that previously estimated, approximately lying within the range of that of most foods of vegetal origin, because of the higher quality of animal proteins. These considerations might be useful in the political planning of the food production system, aiming at providing sufficient food for humans in the near future.


Vegan activism vs the meat industry : saving the world with the Impossible Burger?
Wow Dr. Perlmutter seems to be advocating a plant based diet now

A decade earlier:


Livestock’s Long Shadow is often quoted* in justification in banning meat animal production agriculture.

(*discussions with my good-hearted and passionate environmental protecting vegan friends).

(Steve) #3

Me, I think we, here in North America (and anywhere else that does the same) need to take a page from our Australian friends and go back to only pasture raised meat and eggs. Higher in Omega 3’s.

The carbon footprint of meat production in NA would be drastically reduced by that and reducing our portion sizes to something reasonable. (no-one needs a 16oz steak!!)

Sorry Yanks, but the “American sized portions” need to go.

If we did that - made it so all steaks are 5-8oz, then we wouldn’t have as much demand and we could scale everything back to pasture raised. (my optimistic opinion…no, no data to back that up). :smiley:

(mole person) #4

Excellent find, @amwassil. Thank you for posting it.