Wow Dr. Perlmutter seems to be advocating a plant based diet now


I want to actually see what an egg tastes like where the hens eat grass, bugs and worms, along with a bit of flax seed. I’m not gonna keep them in a 1’ x 1’ cage, laser cut their beaks off and feed them a grain only diet. They will be happy roaming the backyard. When they are done laying eggs, I’ll pet them and thank them before I slaughter and eat them. (Btw, I don’t think I’ll suspend them upside down before slaughtering them… they seem to freak out from what I’ve seen in videos. I’ll have to figure out a way to put them out instantly without them stressing a single bit or feeling anything.)

(Susan) #4

Ohhh I could never do that – I couldn’t eat my pets --I love chicken and eat it all the time, but I couldn’t eat my pets.

I am not being judgemental saying that --that is just me. I just would have a problem eating an animal that was a pet to me is all.

The ladies above raise hens as pets, and have their eggs, and all the hens have names, etc so I am not sure what they do with them past the lay-egging stage.


I can only have 6 hens here in the city. So if they all stop producing eggs what do I do? Also pastured chicken meat is crazy expensive, like $10 a pound. I can’t afford that, but I imagine it’d be really healthy eating a chicken I know only got grass, worms, bugs, flax seed etc… I’d be showing it respect by eating it I think… kinda like the way you see native americans talking to the animal as they slaughter it.


But maybe you are right, I might become attached.

(Troy Mitchell) #7

They are way better than store bought eggs. They are richer and full of flavor. I recommend getting buff orpingtons or australorps. They are the sweetest birds I have ever owned and the pop out an egg a day.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #8

Kowtowing to the vege/vegan agenda? For info:


So when the chickens do the free range thing, eating grass, bugs, etc…the yolks seem to have a deeper color. They are a bit smaller than average, but that’s no biggy. When my hens first started producing, some would lay 2 eggs a day…which made up for the smaller size.
Currently, I get no eggs a day because my puppy killed most of the chickens.

Now, if ya really want to get wild and crazy…raise some bronze turkeys! Wanna talk about eggs?! Ethel, our pet turkey, laid the biggest most amazing eggs! They weighed 3 times as much as a chicken egg. The yolks are so thick and rich, scrambling them thoroughly required an electric beater. And the yolks aren’t yellow, they are orange! I’m considering raising turkeys again just for the eggs.


Wow cool :slight_smile: Never ate a turkey egg before :slight_smile:

(Bunny) #11

Smart man!


Suzi and James Cameron watched “Forks over Knives” and became vegan in 2012

Dr. Perlmutter read Suzi Cameron’s book about eating one meal a day of plant foods to help improve their health and improve the impacts of the animal agricultural system on the animals in it and the environment around it.

Dr. Perlmutter has written a new book and includes Suzi Cameron’s OMAD and plant-based ideas in it as he was inspired by them.

I can see how it happened. It’s an interesting interview. Not a deep dive into the information as Dr. Perlmutter is working hard at social alignment, so he doesn’t ask any deeper clarifying questions.

I watched “Forks Over Knives” and “Cowspiracy” at the time and during the golden-age of the vegan documentary film (2007 -2013). I went with a friend who went on to become a vegan activist. That is one level up from simply being a quiet vegan munching away on their preferred food in the serenity of their own home. My friend continues to battle inflammatory bowel disease issues to this day. He is on pharmacological treatment for depression and anxiety. He can’t hold down a job nor a relationship, and he has met many nice, young, kind-hearted, vegan and vegetarian women. He is a kind-hearted, good looking, good bloke but over time more and more messed up mentally and physiologically. I asked if he may consider eating some molluscs, but he is adamant in his philosophy and ethos. He is very excited about the growth of the vegan community. These days he says,“I know the vegan diet may not be the best for my health, but I will die before I eat an animal or an animal product.” I say, “That’s true Zade and I reckon it could also be symptomatic of a psychological problem.” He counters with killing is a psychological problem. I enjoyed the man-dates we had to see those films and the discussions we’ve had in the following decade. We remain friends. I mention him as an example of my vegan and vegetarian friends (my wife is default vegetarian), as his story is closer to me than Dr. Perlmutter or Suzi Cameron.

The whole construct woven under that YouTube interview is quite tangled in the ideas. We have dietary health, animal ethics, environmental concerns all in a mud pie. For those who have taken the time and a reductionist deep dive into each aspect we can understand some major flaws in the thinking, while at the same time understand the power that good storytelling has over facts.

I love how Suzi describes husband Jim’s films and how they are fantastical but with a doomsday theme. Great stories. They seem to be bringing some of that fantastic storytelling into real life.

It’s a really interesting exercise to watch the interview and reconcile one’s own held beliefs.

Is it too contrived to say “follow the money”? Especially since I haven’t investigated any financial links.

Here comes Jack @ajbennett to explain how this is linked to Game Changers
And the reason that is important is for the facts that surface in the debunking of that film.

(Bunny) #13

Wow he could use some soil based probiotics, the mass produced Petri dish stuff they sell at the local health food stores is for digesting meat and fat, not plants.

Funny thing happens when I go to the the local health food stores and ask them if they have any soil based probiotics; they get this blank look on there face and ask me what is that…lol

(Jack Bennett) #14

Well I’m not sure… this is the first I’ve heard of it.

I don’t know Perlmutter’s work very well. I’ve seen him in a couple of documentary interviews. I tend to group him with William “Wheat Belly” Davis because they are both down on grains. They both seem to emphasize specific adverse effects of grain (especially wheat) on different systems of the body.


The link to Game Changers is James Cameron.

(Jack Bennett) #16

That makes sense. It looks like the Camerons want to influence others to go vegan, both directly (I.e. with the movie, the pea protein investments, and presumably other projects), and by influencing other influencers like Perlmutter.

It seems hard to get enough protein for a reasonable amount of calories on a vegan diet unless you really dive in to protein powder and tofu, but I guess legumes have some as well.

(back and doublin' down) #17

or ducks! Duck eggs are similar, rich and creamy yolks. These ideas make me want to be a micro-farmer!

(Bob M) #18

You can easily get these online. I used to use them, though I found no benefits.


Heck yea! rock it out. we all know high carbs in this frankenfood life is not the way to roll for better health! :slight_smile:

darn right buck the greed and profit of fear mongering vs science of thru thru it all Life is all about money and what can I say to make ya give your money and life to me. ugh. Free thinking thu science and personal results to me shows real life!


Both Dr. Perlmutter and Dr. Davis are also both big on gut health. I following Dr. Davis Undoctored program: eliminating grains & sugar, limiting carbs, vitamin D & Mg Monoriting and supplementation, thyroid health & gut microbiome. But I am also keto. I think I get enough prebiotic fibers for my gut health. I ferment my own foods a lot including his l. reuteri yogurt – just started my ever first batch of Kimchi last night. Also take probitoic capsule.

(Rebecca ) #21

Garden of Life does produce a soil based probiotic…last I knew Dr Perlmutter endorses their brand…his name is even on some of their products.

(John) #22

I posted a pic of a typical dozen eggs we get from my wife’s best friend who lives in the country and keeps chickens. You will notice the variety of shapes, colors, and sizes. These are also fresh out of the hen, not washed or anything, so still have the “bloom” on them.

These are certainly well pampered hens, free range, eating whatever they want to eat - bugs, grass, plus whatever supplemental chicken feed they are given. We save the egg shells, which are washed, crushed up, and fed back to the chickens for calcium supplement. True recycling.

When they retire from egg laying, they are allowed to live out their lives with the rest of the flock. These are well cared-for chickens. I have met some of them in person. :slight_smile:

As far as how they taste? Pretty much like any other chicken eggs taste, to be honest. Sometimes when my wife hasn’t visited her friend in a while, we run out of eggs, and I end up buying some in the grocery. I do try to pay up for the cage-free organic stuff, so perhaps I am just getting good quality eggs at the store. I can’t tell much difference.