Editing the Wiki Acronyms

(Kathy L) #1

Continuing the discussion from WIKI: Acronyms:

I’d like to add an Acronym (or 2) to the wiki Acronym page - am I able to do that? I see a green pencil/paper at the top right of the post - not sure if this is the actual header though.

If I am unable - would one of you admins be kind enough to add:

IMO - in my opinion
IMHO - in my humble opinion

thank you so much!!

(eat more) #2

try it…what’s the worst that could happen? it could say no :blush:


I added them for you… but you should give editing the wiki a try… it’s not too hard.

(Kathy L) #4

I thought I did try -but wasn’t able to get the curser into the text anywhere -and then wasn’t sure if the green edit icon was in the header of the document or just at the top of the first person’s post… thanks for adding it -I’ll try again to make a small change to see if I can do it…