Back in the 90s when I went to the States. There where these stake houses where if you ate a whole 64oz stake you would get it for free
I remember someone a few years ago now would eat ever 3 days and when he went to brake the fast at the Toby Cavery pub I think back then you could just help your self to the buffet
I looked up some eating challenges online, non of them are in Manchester where I live. The nearest I could find was London (200miles away)
The 10 craziest food challenges in London | Stories | Virgin Atlantic
A lot of them there is not a lot of food it just spicy stuff, and I guess they could easy rig it for friends of the club so that they can boast about it on there social media nonsecne channels in front of there idiot fans. But the ones I am interested in are the mega meals. Like this one the full English Breakfast
Wonder Cafe ā Full English Breakfast | Eating Challenges
What it broadly states is
The challenge consists of:
** 6 rashers of bacon*
** 6 sausages*
** 6 hash browns*
** 4 black puddings*
** 4 fried slices of bread*
** 4 slices of toast*
** 4 eggs*
** One bowl of beans*
** One bowl of plum tomatoes*
** A healthy heap of mushrooms*
You have 45 minutes to scoff it all. If you win, the meal is free, if you lose, you pay the full price of Ā£20.
The food looks very unhealthy, specily the fried bread, likely fried in veg/ sunflower oil. But I guess its OK as a one off treat! Anyway I recon there are about 6,000 calories in that meal. Well I was under the impression that intermittent fasting was eating once a day with an hours window. Well say for a full blown athletes that practices intermittent fasting would be burning off 6-7K calories a day. Eating that meal in 45minutes I guess is quite doable
Or for a construction worker that burns say 3-4K calories a day and that dose intermittent fasting (where they are ketogenic and fat adapted and insulin sensitive). That skipped the meal one day (so we are upto a 48hr fasting window) I recon they could do it too!
Have a look of some of the winners
Wonder Cafe - Wonder Cafe breakfast challenge success!! This wasā¦ | Facebook
They are not fat, they are very skinny people