Eat it all get it for free meal (food challenges)


Back in the 90s when I went to the States. There where these stake houses where if you ate a whole 64oz stake you would get it for free

I remember someone a few years ago now would eat ever 3 days and when he went to brake the fast at the Toby Cavery pub I think back then you could just help your self to the buffet

I looked up some eating challenges online, non of them are in Manchester where I live. The nearest I could find was London (200miles away)

The 10 craziest food challenges in London | Stories | Virgin Atlantic

A lot of them there is not a lot of food it just spicy stuff, and I guess they could easy rig it for friends of the club so that they can boast about it on there social media nonsecne channels in front of there idiot fans. But the ones I am interested in are the mega meals. Like this one the full English Breakfast

Wonder Cafe ā€“ Full English Breakfast | Eating Challenges

What it broadly states is

The challenge consists of:

** 6 rashers of bacon*
** 6 sausages*
** 6 hash browns*
** 4 black puddings*
** 4 fried slices of bread*
** 4 slices of toast*
** 4 eggs*
** One bowl of beans*
** One bowl of plum tomatoes*
** A healthy heap of mushrooms*

You have 45 minutes to scoff it all. If you win, the meal is free, if you lose, you pay the full price of Ā£20.

The food looks very unhealthy, specily the fried bread, likely fried in veg/ sunflower oil. But I guess its OK as a one off treat! Anyway I recon there are about 6,000 calories in that meal. Well I was under the impression that intermittent fasting was eating once a day with an hours window. Well say for a full blown athletes that practices intermittent fasting would be burning off 6-7K calories a day. Eating that meal in 45minutes I guess is quite doable

Or for a construction worker that burns say 3-4K calories a day and that dose intermittent fasting (where they are ketogenic and fat adapted and insulin sensitive). That skipped the meal one day (so we are upto a 48hr fasting window) I recon they could do it too!

Have a look of some of the winners
Wonder Cafe - Wonder Cafe breakfast challenge success!! This wasā€¦ | Facebook
They are not fat, they are very skinny people

(KCKO, KCFO šŸ„„) #2

A few years ago there was a cable show where this guy went around to all the eating challenges. He eventually gained a LOT of weight and developed serious health issues, so they had to stop the show. He had started out with steaks and burgers, but to keep the show going he started eating all kinds of challenges. That was his big mistake I think, I could not stand watching it but lots of people followed him.l


I am pretty sure that most people needing several thousands calories per day wouldnā€™t do OMAD as it would be uncomfortable for them. Some can pull off a big meal but every dayā€¦?

IF doesnā€™t mean OMAD. It can be 2MAD, 3MAD, even 5MADā€¦ To me (there are other variations still called IF), IF is when your eating window is somewhere below 8 hours long. Itā€™s a very common definition but I think 5:2 is called IF, surely eating in any kind of window every second day is that too as there are longer fasting windowsā€¦ But as my body likes similar days and I heard about what I now call IF first and I typically see that as IF, I go with that.

I definitely couldnā€™t eat that much but I usually get pretty satiated at 2000 kcal, with some items I can go a bit higher but 4000 is my top for the whole day (thatā€™s twice my energy need per day)! I can eat for sure but not THAT much.
And the beans and bread, even more impossible despite carbs making me hungry. Or they did, honestly I am not sure anymore, my body starts to give me ā€œFULLā€ signs when it refuses to get more carbs and it prefers very very low-carb. I can eat high-carb but itā€™s tricky and not so great.
Beans satiate me anyway and that goes against the challenge. I probably could eat insane amounts of bread with butter and honey though! (Bread made by me or at least something special I approve for a meal. I wouldnā€™t touch some random sliced white bread, yuck! There is a reason we donā€™t buy bread since decades, I disliked what I could bought and made my own. It evolved a lot since.) Not much protein, no satiation. But I still would get sick or full too early.
Yep, definitely would need sweets to go farā€¦ Fatty pork AND sweets, maybe I could do 4000 kcal in one sittingā€¦ One day I will experiment.

I have looked up some steak challenges once, oh my god. I feel my cute ~21 oz meat portion pretty decent already, I donā€™t eat very much afterwardsā€¦ I only can do way over it with chicken as it doesnā€™t really satiate me. But why would I want to massively overeat protein, even for a single mealā€¦

Yeah itā€™s important to do those challenges not all the time and act properly on the other days (modest food, exercise. The latter isnā€™t strictly needed I guess but makes sense and helps with health anyway).

(KM) #4

Google ā€œBeardMeatsFoodā€. The guyā€™s name is Adam Moran, heā€™s a competitive eater from Leeds who goes all over making YouTube videos of these competitions. The episode I saw, he ate 48 slices of full sized pizza with toppings.


Oh myā€¦ IDK why but I never could eat much pizza. 500g bread with lots of butter and a ton of honey ā€“ and some proper, fatty and protein rich bigger meal right after? Sure. But a whole normal sized pizza? Never. IDK what is so very satiating in pizza for meā€¦ :smiley: But pancake filled with quark is the same. I almost never went beyond ONE (but to be fair, it was my dessert, not my meal. still, I always could eat several other pancakes but one quark one filled me up, it happened many times).

I wonder if competitive eaters have these effective items or they just ignore everything/train themselves out of itā€¦


Jeezā€¦ a ā€œcompetitive eaterā€!

Quite a dangerous sounding profession if you ask me. :slight_smile:

(KM) #7

I think some might be missing an essential satiety mechamism.


That guy is cheat and is fake! he is a celeberty blood line and is all part of the cult

(Tracy) #9

Without the hash browns, the bread and the toast and beans that breakfast is pretty doable and possibly even normal for some ketoers.


Yeah of course, it becomes a much more normal sized meal that wayā€¦ Still way too much for many (timing matters too), I donā€™t even know how many calories is it without the carbs, surely still muchā€¦ But way more doable. I may be able to eat it if itā€™s for OMAD dinner. Probably would need a hungrier day. Honestly, no idea how much that is. I donā€™t know how big the sausages are let alone the black puddingsā€¦ I never even saw black pudding, we only have blood sausages (well itā€™s not sausage in my language. sausage is just for proper, very meaty stuff) filled with rice :frowning: I love blood but canā€™t get it without riceā€¦
It would be a very odd meal too. I never depend on processed meats nearly that much. And I do use processed meats all the time but not as my main meat.

I still donā€™t think it would be normal, most of the calories must come from the fatty animal foodā€¦? I am a bit unsure though as I am horrible at guessing these things. People say oh one tracks for some months and will be able to guess. After many years, I still donā€™t have ANY idea. Carbs can bring a surprisingly amount of calories - but fat is even better and that and itā€™s not loaves of bread, just slicesā€¦ (Not even know how big the slices are. I am not familiar with bread that isnā€™t mine.)

Are there chicken eating contests/challenges? Itā€™s okay food and it doesnā€™t satiate me wellā€¦ Not like I would do a food challenge, I refuse that out of principle - and I know many people can eat so much more than even me, surely I had no chanceā€¦ But I am a tiny bit curious what would happen. Actually, processed pork isnā€™t bad either, itā€™s more satiating but very easy to eat it galore, I love processed porkā€¦

I should make my own personal tiny challenges and experiments, I miss those. Much of something at once but not too much food. I am bad at eating like that, I always had many items for every meal. The English breakfast contest has some variety, at least. Many would horribly miss some vegs thoughā€¦ (My SO would need at least 1kg raw vegs for this much food but possibly much moreā€¦ Well, 1kg vegs and whatever he could eat would work fine, itā€™s not like this challenge is remotely possible for him.) Even I would miss vegs. Fatty meats are really good with some pickles, it balances out somethingā€¦ Or at least some mustard with my sausages. Smoked cooked pork belly/jowl? Fine all alone, I could eat up a huge amount but sausages and bacon oozes fat, I need something with it and bread just isnā€™t good enoughā€¦

Donā€™t the English eat vegs with the meatā€¦?


I like chickenā€¦ The problem is,our chicken here in Finland is industrially grown stressed meat, grown as quickly as possible in tiny cages inside with who knows what hormones/chemicals. I see no reason to eat much chicken any more. Also itĀ“s low fat,mostly protein.


So after not eating anything for 1 day and 20ish hours I had a go at copying the meal. Though I have not been doing anything phycial for a wiles so not been burning hardaly any calories at all

With the added beer and home made bucks fizz I made

at 40 minutes; I did not do very well with it! (hardly drank the buck fizz and not manage the beer).

I hope to be back at work next week, so will give it another go then when I am active and burning lots of calories (did seam to notice I eat a lot more when I am working as opposed to when I am not!)

PS. Went out to the pub straight after, when I can back I ate something light. So I guess I did not manage to make OMAD into one meal every 2 days


@Carburetor: I consider chicken (I almost always eat legs, with skin of course) too high fat to me (looking at the dataā€¦ I always was confused) except I render very much schmalz out of it nowadays so the result is okay-ish. But itā€™s not satiating and satisfying enough and my pork is probably way leaner (well it depends). It depends on the chicken too, of course, I saw lots of fat in hens (sometimes I buy hens, more work but itā€™s way tastier, good for soup) and it turned out (very fresh news!) I can make wonderful chicken breast despite I used to very much dislike and avoid that too lean stuff with weird texture. But Momā€™s best recipe is awesome and I finally dared to try it when we had a lot of chicken breast. I used to give it all to my SO who is a lean meat lover.

I know supermarket chicken isnā€™t good, itā€™s tasteless so I eat it very rarely but I am poor and itā€™s the cheapest meat and variety and crunchy skin in the air fryer! Tender, easy to eat, it has its advantages. So I do eat some. I keep my eggs good though!

@Turmeric: Oh myā€¦ Congrats? :smiley: You definitely can eat!

Now I wonder about doing some experimental OMAD week with very simple days (almost a single item/dish every time), eating as much as I comfortably can every timeā€¦ I am curious what would happen. I wonā€™t make a chicken day, thatā€™s not for me but pork loin day sounds nice (possibly with something fattier on the side)ā€¦ Scrambled eggs day (a rich one with lean pork, smoked pork, cheese and sour cream. itā€™s called peasantā€™s breakfast here, well the version with onion and potatoes but I skip those)ā€¦

Make sense especially when itā€™s a lot of extra energy need. My SO and I donā€™t eat more when we are a bit more active but when I had a hike (9 hours in the mountains, in frost) once, I ate a really big meal afterwards :slight_smile: For me at least but I always considered my ā€œbigā€ being ā€œhugeā€ for most other peopleā€¦ Big means over 2000 kcal, really big is significantly more. But I canā€™t do 4000 or something. If I am outside in cold weather, being active and only eating once properly, I canā€™t meet my energy need as far as I can tell. But no way I can do that regularlyā€¦ Going back to my longer hikes would be nice thoughā€¦ Or running.

(Doug) #14

An absolute beast. Smart guy - personal trainer - is aware of body and health stuff. I do wonder about the long term consequences of ā€˜so much,ā€™ though.


How much time passed after you finished the hike and eat your big meal ? (presumming it the hike is not the normal daily exersise for you)

PS I have heared that being in the cold you burn more calories then in the hot


AGAIN! I think that guy is an insider and part of the club (so all vote rigging is on I guess!)
Shen Yun Review 2024

That pizza challenge was at Gordon Ramsay pizza hut. Now I am not saying that this guy from leeds is a Clan Ramsay himself or anything but I recon those pizza could be a lot bigger in size if I where to take on the challenge and diffanant ingredents meaning more calories in the toppings

(Doug) #17

Iā€™ve seen him eat extremely large amounts of food in his videos. Conspiracy stuff - who knows? :smirk:

I once ate a 6 lb/2.7 kg steak. The deal was that if you ate it all, plus a salad and baked potato, in 90 minutes of less, you got it for free. I was trained - Iā€™d eaten more than that amount of food at home, knew I could do it, and expanded my stomach by drinking 5 or 6 liters of water earlier in the day.

It was easy, and I did it in 19 minutes, which was the speed record at that restaurant at the time (1984). Itā€™s relative, though - I later found out that at a sister restaurant the record was 10.5 minutes, back in 1973.

And in our modern times we have people like Molly Schuyler, 120 lbs/54 kg who ate 22.5 lbs/10.2 kg of meatā€¦


Dont you just love the fake media showing you a photo of it before the eat and when the plate is clear and no video of them actully eating start to finish! is this the woman that apparently broke the Guinness Book of Records (suppose the fake media could make that figure up based upon something like a 1/3 of that, then the Guinness BR will take the media word for it with out question! making it imposible for any member of the joe public to ever become the world champain, and if said joe public did ever do it then it would never be reported any way! Dont take my or there word for it though; go to that resutrant and find out yourself? ask the locals in there, or let me guess they did not disclose the name of the resturant, or i mean did they actully get the name of the resturant right?
Milwaukee steakhouse Ward's House of Prime. - Google Search


I was trained - Iā€™d eaten more than that amount of food at home, knew I could do it, and expanded my stomach by drinking 5 or 6 liters of water earlier in the day.

So how exactly do you train for this? apart from the water thing. or is the water thing the trick? Dose the stomach not need to clear for this to work?


It was many years ago and I donā€™t remember exactly but it wasnā€™t much time, I ate as soon as I could and noticeably more than usual.
Surely cold makes a difference in energy need even being warmly dressed! I never overdid clothes in winter though, exercise keeps me warm. I never use my winter coat as we very rarely have colder than a light frost and that isnā€™t even enough for 3 layers unless itā€™s windy too. Mere walking keeps me warm. What does it mean energy wise I donā€™t know.

Oh my. Once I ate 600g beef and a yolk (as no way I skip a day when it comes to my darling eggs) and I was perfectly satiated for a whole day afterwardsā€¦ And I really can eat but red meat is effectiveā€¦ My stomach can hold 2 liters so it has nothing to do with volume, just macros and satiating effect of red meat. Especially ruminant meat. But competitive eaters and really big overeaters (my level must be adorable compared to the serious ones) probably have these signs differently. I donā€™t always get a very firm stop sign from eating meat but it happens. I suppose I could force it but itā€™s very strong. Training probably helps.

The topic still fascinate me. And itā€™s at least a bit scary even from a distanceā€¦