Eat it all get it for free meal (food challenges)


My stomach can hold 2 liters so it has nothing to do with volume,

But dose having an empty small intestine and more hunger from the hormone ghrelin, process the food faster?

(Doug) #22

Being used to eating “a lot” is part of it. So, eat a lot at once - see what you can do, figure things out.

Drinking a lot of water before the big feed is common practice, the notion being to stretch the stomach, leaving enough time for the water to leave the stomach before the eating competition - you definitely don’t want the water in there. I’ve only done that a couple times in my life. There are dangers to it - I’ve read that some really serious competitive eaters don’t go over 4 liters. I assume it’s an electrolyte thing - we don’t want to dilute ourselves too much, so to speak.

It worked well for me with the big steak. Then the last time was ~10 years ago; a bar/restaurant had an eating challenge - a gigantic hamburger plus some other stuff. I was working in the area with two other guys, and we stayed in a hotel right across the street. Dozens of people had done it, but nobody had ever eaten two. Well…

I did it; not even a real struggle. Then there I was a 55 year old idiot who felt bad the rest of the day and all the next. :smirk:


How much time is that? I know that if my stomach is truly full, I can eat again in 15 minutes but I only needed a tiny space for some dense food then… (Being very hungry with a completely full stomach is quite bad. I do my best to avoid it, not like it’s hard. I never was into eating super light food but there was an exception and there was a time when I ate a tablespoon of salt to try it out… It allegedly causes problems for most people, I was sure I was an exceptions and yep, I was. But had to drink 2 liters of water with it, it was non-negotiable.)

If I drank a really huge amount of water at once, I would add salt too anyway, I would think it’s a limit because even a competitive eater’s stomach has it limits. It can’t just stretch to any size…

But you can brag(?) about it for the rest of your life! :smiley:

It is still scary to me. Our poor bodies deserves better - but if it’s very occasional and one doesn’t totally ignore signs when going truly too far, that may be okay if it’s that important for someone for some reason I guess.
I still wouldn’t force eating. Stuffing myself when I truly want to do OMAD is the most I am willing to do once in a blue moon. I don’t like to feel stuffed.

(KM) #24

Going back to the original post, the problem with all you can eat challenges is not so much quantity as quality. You have no control over what you have to eat, or how it’s prepared. Sugared bacon. Sausages with god knows what additives. Hash browns swimming in overheated seed oil. Black puddings filled with oatmeal. 8 slices of bread. A 50 carb bowl of beans, ditto plum tomatoes. Mushrooms, again prepared with who knows what.

A lot of them revolve around cheap carbs. How many pancakes. Slices of pizza. Burgers with buns and masses of sugary condiments, with mounds of fries on the side. Slices of bread. Pieces of cake. 3’ sandwiches. Cheap hotdogs, each wrapped in a 25 carb bun. The traditional “pie eat”.

If you can eat all of what they serve you I would agree it’s a great bargain, financially - you can probably do OMAD and then a 47 hour fast and never pay for your food! But is it a bargain for your health? I’d give that a resounding No for most of these challenges including the one you’ve posted.


I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised but that is a thing?! Some countries are so crazy, adding sugar to meat… I find our cooked beef with canned sour cherry horrid enough, wouldn’t touch that (cooked beef is already a fail to me as a main dish, if it’s not soup, I want it fried, roasted or as stew! well stew can be a soup, Goulash is a nice dish…) but many Hungarians love it, apparently.
This country put sugar into pea dishes. PEA. As if it wasn’t very sweet to begin with…
Mom put sugar into a lot of things and I liked that but not for pea!
I don’t get the “super sweet corn” cans either. Why is it good if it’s extra sweet? It just ruins it for me. Young cooked corn is sweet enough for sure…

I wasn’t sure about that as we don’t have black pudding here and the carnivores eat it sometimes. So you have the good kind and the bad kind too?

That is actually an okay meal to me. Once in a blue moon… Beans are tasty and nostalgic.

Oh yes I have read the links, fries everywhere… There is some okay meat, hey, eat a small mountain of fries with it for the challenge! Sigh.

Pancakes, mmm… If egg prices will ever drop (bird flu in some neighbour countries… ouch), I may celebrate it with a pancake experiment! My pancakes are carnivore as they are the best. Well I can “ruin” them with the filling… But there are good options.
I never liked those super floury pancakes, not tasty. Bread can get away with being mostly wheat, pancake can’t. And it’s so nostalgic. I always was a huge pancake fan. I spent an unhealthy amount of time to make good low-carb pancakes. ZILLION experiments. Just to realize the super easy solution on carnivore…
I usually had 6 pancakes as a kid (thin but filled ones). I still never went over it but I surely could. Wouldn’t win any contests for sure though :smiley: Not even local ones with amateurs…

Once (after a very good low-carb day, I mean I ate enough for a day) I ate 20 slices of cake. It was a competition, I had to try them all! But they weren’t big slices. I can’t eat a whole cake, not even a small one without lots of icing.

Yeah, it’s pretty obvious for most people I think. One shouldn’t live on eating challenges… Just the OMEOD part can’t be healthy for a normal person, IDK but it’s extreme for most of us. Even I don’t know how on earth could I eat enough for even a quick fat-loss on OMEOD… OMAD is tricky enough as 23 hours is long enough for my body to feel unprepared for a big meal. But this time I will use all my knowledge! Today went well but it was just day #1.

(Doug) #26

For water only, I’d give it 2 to 3 hours. A small amount of water will usually be gone fast, like 15 or 20 minutes.


So if I where to drink as much water as I could say each day, do you think that will act as an exersize to build my stomach mussels up, so I can eat more food on the big feast?

(Doug) #28

There are some dangers to drinking so much water at one time. I don’t recommend it. Even professional eaters tend to be careful with it.

It’s not “building up muscles.” The idea is to physically stretch the stomach.


but once stretched. dose it come back in again after


I am interested about that too.
Not like it matters very much for most people, thankfully one can be feel super full with their stomach never going over a quarter of its full capacity! It’s not stomach-fullness but I still can’t call it else, I feel full. I don’t like that, actually, I like when I don’t feel full but am satiated.
But why do people say a stretched out stomach needs more food? Maybe it’s the case for some? Or rather, they talk about its minimum size? Is that stretched too? And for volume eaters the normal, minimum sized stomach should be full to fee satiated? I am no volume eater, nor my family members, I know little about that. I just need my macros and items to be right for perfect satiation. It doesn’t matter if it’s 300g or 2000g (volume has some correlation to size, I only easily track the volume though I rarely do. 300g happens even on OMAD when I do a fat fast. I may get satiated with 300g for a meal anyway but it won’t last for a day.)