Dumbest thing you have read lately, post them here


I’ll start with this one:

(Todd Allen) #2

My reaction to Nestle’s latest is “thanks, but no thanks”. But I’ll optimistically assume we’ll continue to see more reduced sugar / no sugar and less reduced fat / no fat. But mostly I don’t care as I’m now actively avoiding processed food products and I’m not much interested in “food technology”.

(Garry (Canada)) #3

Absolute Insanity

Don’t Laugh!

(Sophie) #4

Didn’t surprise me in the least. :roll_eyes:

(Stacy) #5

This actually makes me fear for humanity.

(Tina Emmons) #6

Ok, from BMI calculator dot net:
First page-“your BMR deceases as you age.”(ok) “Likewise, depriving yourself of food in hopes of losing weight also decreases your BMR, a foil to your intentions.” (I’m like wow, they got that right!)

Calculate(I know these are useless. Just playing around) and click on “Daily Calorie Needs” and then “Calorie Intake To Lose Weight”

Page 3 of the same site:
Starts off with CICO explanation and then into, “If you want to lose fat, a useful guideline for lowering your calorie intake is to reduce your calories by at least 500 but not more than 1000 below your maintenance level.” (Possibly the dumbest sentence-if you want to lower calorie intake, lower calorie intake?)
Not to mention the bad science.

Lastly, suggests an alternative to that by reducing calories by 15-20% below maintenance. Oh, and “you may increase this depending on your weight loss goals.”

(Liz ) #7

Saw this in MFP & yelled at my computer, “But your mom is RIGHT” it’s weird how the majority there is super CICO and super anti low carb


A friend in Instagram posted a picture of his scale 365.5 lbs. He wrote I know I have to do something. So I hashtaged #ketodiet
He wrote back #vegandiet , I’ve been down this road before friend. What the shiz does that mean?!?
And didja know there are :richard: & :carl: emojis?!?! Yasssss

(CJ Young) #9

Is your friend saying he’s tried Keto before? Maybe he did it for like 2 weeks, lost 10 lbs, plateau and stopped? At least a Vegan diet might help him lose weight/feel a bit better. He’s just not going to enjoy it the way I do bacon.


He’s been vegetarian for awhile and lost a significant amount of weight about 5-10 years ago. I’m thinking he recently, in the last month has gone vegan. I only know this bc he posts many pictures of his carbbage… Chocolate chip cookies, pot pie, fake sausage English muffin pizzas. #notfood

(Doug) #11

That Type 2 Diabetes is caused by a “mineral deficiency.”

(CJ Young) #12

Ugh, yup not great. I’ve watched a friend eat fake meat vegan “paella” over rice. Pretty revolting.

(KCKO, KCFO) #13

Well that is pretty stupid indeed.

I did see some pretty funny ads beside that article, but it did make me want to scream at my computer, not laugh.

(14965ae231070091ace8) #14

There’s a documentary called What the Health. This is a Anti meat documentary. The guy in here actually Compares eating butter to smoking cigarettes. At first he condemns processed meat but then he gradually switches over to all animal protein. They never say the word vegan but it’s the underlying message. I have friends that I actually believe the stuff. It should be a crime.


Garry, maybe the FDA would look kinder on the new “low-fat-avocadoes::grimacing:” I read about the other day…

(Jack) #16

We saw it as well. Was hard to watch as they slowly revealed their goal/intentions was Vegan based. They made many many statements in that Documentary that I actually agree with, but they then jumped to conclusions that all Meat is the cause based on statistics of meat eaters, etc.

The whole Correlation not causation thing. I loved it when Tom Naughton said spoke on this in his Science for Smart people video here: https://youtu.be/y1RXvBveht0?t=1m55s

Really good help to understanding how much bad science gets thrown around.

(Stephanie Sablich) #17

Welp. They have… some… of the right ideas.


From the book: “Brain Food” by Dr. Lisa Mosconi, PhD, pg 145, She states: “…the brain always needs, at a bare minimum, 30 percent of calories from glucose to work efficiently.”

My brain has been working much better on this diet…

(Dan Dan) #19

She’s correct On a very low-carb diet, up to 70% of the brain can be fueled by ketones. The rest can be fueled by glucose produced in the liver using amino acids and fatty acids :thinking:

(Dan Dan) #20

I agree…

My brain thrives on this way of eating :smiley: