Dry Fast video journal! Completed my 3rd OMAD Dry fast plus my meal at end!

(April Harkness) #1

no, not 3 dry fasts in a row. I am just throwing in a once a week 24 hour Dry Fast. This really helps with coffee cravings and just helping me feel renergized the day after in a way my normal 24 hr omad fast does not. It brings about more mental clarity than my typical 24 hr fast with water, tea and coffee, and also helps whenever I am feeling under the weather…(last two times, I was battling something respiratory and the day after my dry fast it helped) it seems to speed up the healing process. A few days ago I stepped on some glass at home after I broke a cup. Bottom of foot was slightly red and swollen despite me taking the splinter out, cleaning, antibx ointment, bandage, etc… Did dry fast. No longer red. No longer swollen. And I was able to complete my exibition sets at the Chicago Strength expo with NO pain and for the first time ever…when I did my kettlebell snatch sets, my left arm was able to do more work than the right. Usually I split my sets in half, (half the time on my left and then right) or it ends up being shortened time on my left arm with me having to make up time on my right. This time, just because my arm felt great,I let my left arm go 30 seconds longer than when I typically switch. Was it the dry fast? Who knows. But I felt fabulous. Anyways here is the vid. Feel free to fastforward to the end for my yummy OMAD meal I ended my dry fast with. (and yes, it was FANTASTIC!) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4HydnPAC_n/

(Susan) #2

Happy forum anniversary, April!

I tried a dry fast and it didn’t work for me, but I am glad that you and @Madeleine seem to have great success with it, that is great.

(April Harkness) #3

Thank you! Did not even realize it was my anniversary. Dry fast is not for everyone. Had I not done Yom Kippur, I doubt I would be successful. I had to have the drive to do it , and that was the high holy day which strengthened me.Now I have confidence to tackle the dry fast. And I try, to make it a day of reflection (yes I went shopping but took time to reflect on issues facing the world, spiritual matters,etc.) and this really really helps.