Dread's Progress Thread - Extended Fasting & Carnivore


(Chris) #112

Thanks Doug feels good to hear that.

149 this morning. First workout was mixing and pouring 5 bags of concrete in the first phase of trying to resurrect my MIL’s deck before it has to be demolished. Easy peasy.

(Chris) #113

Day one of next extended fast. Thinking 5 ish days. 151 on the scale. Feeling fine. Lots of chores to keep me busy today. Honestly the past few months of fasting have made the hardest days of a new fast a breeze. The cravings and fake hunger signals are but a dull whisper. I find my cravings come later in the fast. I really need to stop browsing steak photos.

(Jim Russell) #114

Just started an extended fast last night. Planning on going about the same length. I find that how much pictures of food trigger hunger varies a lot during a fast. Sometimes it’s just “oh, that looks good, I should make that some time” other times it’s “Get in my belly!”. But even the strongest hunger pangs go away if I distract myself.



I see what you did there. :sunglasses:

(Chris) #116

This is so true, it’s in waves like everything on a fast. KCFO is brilliant!

(Chris) #117

155 this morning. Meant to start the fast but instead ate a steak and some bacon. Also had some ice cream, that was a mistake, I regretted it. Fast starts again today, no biggie.

After reading a post and link shared by @PrimalBrian I’ve decided to lower my dietery fat intake a little bit more. I’ll be more concerned with eating lean beef for the time being, and see how my stubborn belly, arm, leg, and back fat deals with it. (the post in particular was regarding eating less fat on keto if you still have bodyfat to burn, I’ll try to get a link to the thread momentarily). It made sense in my head, and actually was something I was casually pondering to myself in the past few weeks. Dots connecting.

(Jim Russell) #118

I’d love to see some studies comparing different styles of doing keto. More protein or less, more fat or less, keto vs zero carb/carnivore, etc.

I think that trying low(er) fat keto to force your body to burn it’s own fat makes sense, as long as you’re not going too low in calories that you are causing your body to think you’re starving. I don’t think that it is something you should do for any extended time period. A cyclical approach similar to fasting might work. Go low(er) fat for a day or two, then up the fat again so that you are “feasting”.

Interested in seeing how you work this and how it works out for you. Good luck!

(Chris) #119

I agree cyclical seems the best I could go for knowing what we already know. I’m definitely getting enough calories as I eat until I’m stuffed most of the time if hungry.

(Doug) #120

:laughing: Okay…

My first thought was a little different. Keep Calm and…

Like something I could see Brenda Zorn saying.

Something like what you sometimes hear in the British Empire, “Sod Off…”

(Crow T. Robot) #121

Good on ya joining that study. I would have done, but I have too many conflicts right now. I can’t wait to see some of the results. I follow Shawn on twitter and it sounds like it’s going well. Shawn’s not much of a faster, so you do you follow Chris Krueger as well?

(Chris) #122

Yeah I follow Chris, found his channel by accident!

(Jim Russell) #123

Yeah, I had the same thought when I was typing that. :smiley:

And yes, that does sound like something @Brenda would say.

(Chris) #124

All of this is totally welcome in this thread!

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #125


Does someone need to be told to fuck off? Cuz I’ll totally do it.

(Doug) #126

:: laughing :: :yum:

(Chris) #127

In this thread, anyone is fair game. Buy the ticket, and all!

(Doug) #128

Good deal, Dread. :slightly_smiling_face: I was going to ask you anyway - though it’s none of my business and it’s all good if it’s a private thing - where does the "Dread’ come from? And the “1840”? There are times one can figure it out, but getting a total blank here.

In the past, such questions have revealed that “18” and “40” were uniform numbers that the poster had had…

(Chris) #129

Good question. Dread is an internet handle I’ve had for about 12 years, stemming from a character I named in World of Warcraft, and 1840 is the random number Blizzard Entertainment assigned when I decided that Dread would be my account-wide name.

It stuck, here’s Dread slicing people: https://youtu.be/5xJcu7jUngg

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #130


(Doug) #131

Well yeah. :smirk:

Right on. ‘Dread’ is an excellent gaming name. ‘Lord Porky’ here - that big, fat, pizza-eating relentless gaming opponent on ‘South Park,’

…well, that was me. (Okay, I never looked quite that bad, but for real, 22 hours a day…