Dog Keto

(joievawter) #42


(joievawter) #43

We follow the prey model as well.

(Mark Myers) #44

Here’s my two little meat eaters!

(Lysa Hill) #45

I added a big fat scoop of Great Lakes Gelatin to my 14 year old pug’s one daily meal and it improved her arthritis a great deal! I also did away with kibble and fed her meats (beef hearts are only a couple dollars at my local market and the 99cents only store would have tubes of ground beef in the freezer for a buck) and veggies. I squeezed a fish oil capsule in the whole mess for good measure. Your dog is lucky to be yours! Best of luck :slight_smile:

(joievawter) #46

They such shiny coats! I bet they feel like silk.

(joievawter) #47

My Gonzo is a pampered pup, lol!

(joievawter) #48

Gonzo turned 1 yesterday (he is a rescue pup, this is our best guess)!
He has been fed a prey model raw diet since he came home with us at 8 or 9 wks of age.
He is absolutely amazing!
Happy birthday Gonzo!!!

(jilliangordona) #49

Love this! I have just started making an effort to incorporate more fat foods in my sweet girls diet! She was a rescue and was injured when we got her, they believe she was hit by a car. Her front left leg is dislocated and healed, so she walked with a limp, and her hips are out of line as well. I am hoping to be able to one day avoid surgery and keep her happy and healthy onna good diet! In the mornings I give her whatever offal I can find at the store, and egg, egg shell, and coconut oil. In the evenings I mix a small amount of kibble in with ground beef, egg, and her supplements. We shall see how this helps her improve!

(joievawter) #50

She’s beautiful! I believe you will see great improvement.
Check out the Raw Fed Dogs & Cats group on Yahoo.
I will say you need to incorporate chicken quarters daily for her.

(Mark Myers) #51

I sprinkle a little olive oil on their food each meal. Gives them shiny coats.