Ive officially been keto for 2 years now. Although I haven’t kept off all of the 50 lbs I initially lost, Ive kept off most of it.
This last two weeks I went off keto because I was dealing with a lot of stress with two pregnant service dog candidates due around the same time. I stress eat when Im stressed. Within a week, my feet which have a ton of neuropathy damage from years of pre diabetes and diabetes, were stabbing me again. So here I am making a life or death decision at the emergency clinic with one of my dogs during her birth of 10 puppies and all I can concentrate on after being up over 48 hours is my feet. Im getting stabbed left and right over and over and over and over and over again. I forgot what this pain was like. I don’t know how anyone lives with it.
So when you are thinking about quitting because you haven’t lost 2 pounds this week, try to think about the health changes that come with this diet. Its not all about the weight. For me its about a reduction in migraines, less endometriosis pain, less back pain, less asthma flare ups, no more itchy eczema skin blisters, no more riding the blood sugar roller coaster and no more neuropathy pain so bad it makes you want to cut off your own feet.
Service Dog Academy
Labradoodle puppy hugs and kisses