Do Not Give Up

(Mary McNeight) #1

Ive officially been keto for 2 years now. Although I haven’t kept off all of the 50 lbs I initially lost, Ive kept off most of it.

This last two weeks I went off keto because I was dealing with a lot of stress with two pregnant service dog candidates due around the same time. I stress eat when Im stressed. Within a week, my feet which have a ton of neuropathy damage from years of pre diabetes and diabetes, were stabbing me again. So here I am making a life or death decision at the emergency clinic with one of my dogs during her birth of 10 puppies and all I can concentrate on after being up over 48 hours is my feet. Im getting stabbed left and right over and over and over and over and over again. I forgot what this pain was like. I don’t know how anyone lives with it.

So when you are thinking about quitting because you haven’t lost 2 pounds this week, try to think about the health changes that come with this diet. Its not all about the weight. For me its about a reduction in migraines, less endometriosis pain, less back pain, less asthma flare ups, no more itchy eczema skin blisters, no more riding the blood sugar roller coaster and no more neuropathy pain so bad it makes you want to cut off your own feet.

Service Dog Academy
Labradoodle puppy hugs and kisses

(Rebecca 🌸 Frankenfluffy) #2

Awwww @ServiceDogAcademy what a stressful couple of weeks! Hope puppies and mums are doing well.

This is so true - I’m totally behind you on this! I keto for the sake of my diabetes control, and it makes such an incredible difference to my life.

Sorry about your blip, but remember that’s all it is: a blip. You’ve got this!



(Susan) #3

I am sorry that you are going through all this pain now; Mary, I am so happy for you that Keto has been such a remarkable WOE for you though. It is horrible that you are in pain atm and I feel badly for you that you are; but hoping for you that the pain will all disappear once you are back on track. I hope that your mommy dog and her puppies are all okay as well.

(Mary McNeight) #4

I forgot to say Ive been back on keto now that its no longer a life or death issue for mommas and puppies. Pain stopped within a day.

(Susan) #5

That is great; on both counts!!

(Rebecca 🌸 Frankenfluffy) #6

Brilliant news, Mary!


(Ellen) #7

Hope your dog & her pups were ok.

('Jackie P') #8


(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #9

I have neuropathy in my feet due to a chemo I was on for a year. Before keto I had ONE pair of shoes I could wear at my “on my feet all day” job and even then I’d rip them off when I got home, run them under ice cold water, pop another medicine for pain, hobble the rest of the night all over the house, etc. I had to build an entire wardrobe around this one pair of shoes.

Now I can wear ALL THE SHOES!! Even if I never lose another pound and stay just the way I am, being able to walk without whining and not being obsessed with the nonstop burning in my soles is totally worth sticking with it.

I’m glad mom and pups are doing well.


Happy everything has worked out and you are feeling better.

You are so right. It is not all about the scale. So much more is given to us in benefits that we can’t deny :slight_smile:

Next time ‘an excuse’ comes up to eat junky, our minds need to remember this post!! Excuses only hurt us. Cool.

(KCKO, KCFO 🥥) #11

I;m really glad you have started to feel better and the stress level is going down.

Glad all the pups made it through too.

(Wendy) #12

Such a good reminder! I was wanting some junk today. Fortunately I was too busy at work to give in and didn’t have any thing to cheat with.
I’m glad you’re bitches and puppies are all good. I’m glad the stress is gone from that worry too. KCKO!

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #13

Thanks for posting this. I’m so glad you and the dogs are all better.

I think a lot of people can benefit from your experiences. So called cheating is not worth it.

I’m managed to tell myself that carbs are evil. So my stress eating is all keto. But I have to say that my stress is low compared to what you have been experiencing.

Wishing you peace and wellness to you and your animals.

(Patricia) #14

I also try to tell myself that carbs are evil. At this point, I’m almost terrified of going off plan. I have been doing keto for over 3 years and have lost 55 pounds. I still have 20-30 to go, and I have been stuck at my current weight for many months. My blood sugar is now normal, I’m off blood pressure meds, and my triglycerides are low. The only thing my doc fusses at me about is my high LDL cholesterol, which doesn’t concern me at all. However, I intend to stick with keto even if I stay at this plateau for many more months, because I am so much better off than I was before. I feel like keto saved me.

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #15

I agree. I’ve been stuck for a few months and I’m so much better than before, I’m staying with the plan. I still need to get off BP meds but in time I’m assuming that I can and will.


Me also. I’ve even gone lately lower carbs. I’m not carnivore but some days I act like I am.


Great thread as a reminder WHY many of us are doing this.

I´s not just cosmetic. It´s health.

I guess better not rush.I´m on the same wagon, cutting down but it is not linear and should not be done abruptly.

I really feels weird to see -and feel- too low BP in the morning, after no evening med at all… and then one should figure out how much med to take for the day -with an already too low reading.

I took half a pill instead of the prescribed two pills just now.