Did fasting cured my...?


I was doing a five day fast last week, my last meal was on Saturday night. I broke
my fast on Friday lunch time.

I’m having tennis elbow issues for over a year now. I was using the elbow wrap thingies, did the exercise
my doc told me to do, but it never went away. Some days it was better other worse but my doc did not really wanted me to get the injections, so I just suck it up hoping it will get better.

Back to last week, Thursday my elbow started to bother me more than usual.
Friday it was really bad, Saturday even worse, I could barely pick up something with that hand, so I decided first thing Monday to call and get an appointment with my doc.

I got up Sunday, went to work, (yes, I do work on Sundays :confused: ) something felt different.
A few hours later I realized what was so unusual, I had zero pain in my elbow!!!
Nada, nothing, zilch… I couldn’t believe it!

Either it is the biggest coincidence ever or did fasting do something to heal my body.
Sorry for the long winded post but I am really happy and excited to get rid of this pain in the a… I mean elbow, that has bothered me over a year now.

What are your thoughts? Is it coincidence or not?

Thanks for reading.

(Robert C) #2

If you ask Google about “autophagy and inflammation” you’ll get several articles about there being a link.

(karen) #3

It is also possible that the tennis elbow is being caused by something you weren’t eating last week. I’d reintroduce foods carefully to see if you spot something that sets it off again. But congratulations, nothing like pain that disappears overnight!


Keto cured my climbers’ elbow (same thing as golfers’ elbow) within literally 2-3 days of being on it.

(Ron) #5

When you go keto inflammation is reduced and you will start feeling old injuries more for awhile. As time goes on many say that prolonged keto eventually lets the injury finally begin the healing. I have a similar injury and I am hoping this is true but for now if I consume higher protein levels it will make the joint a little more sore that day. Cut back a little and the pain subsides. Hope this helps.