Delicious Easy Keto Recipes


(alphagk) #1

Any Contributors!

My First Avocado Salmon Breakfast Recipe is below, and I have got it from a book that I have recently read. If you need access to this book please let me know! The below paragraph is from that book.


The Benefits of The Ketogenic Diet
So far, there are a lot of great benefits of the keto diet, but no negative effects have appeared yet at all; which makes it the delicious diet that fits everybody. Here are other health benefits of keto diet:

  1. Increases the level of HDL: One of the best aspects of the ketogenic diet is that it increases the level of HDL in the body, which is the good cholesterol that helps in lowering the risk of heart diseases.
  2. Helps in Alleviating Diabetes Type 2: By removing carbs from your daily meals, you say goodbye to sugar and insulin because your body already has what it needs, and you won’t have to be worried about what you eat.
  3. Lowers Blood Pressure: High blood pressure is a catastrophe because it might lead to kidney failure, heart diseases, strokes…
    With this diet, you can say goodbye to all those worries and live a healthy life away from all those malignant diseases that threaten your life.
  4. Gum Disease: Gum disease is one of the worst and most painful diseases which is commonly caused by the consumption of too much sugar. When you eliminate sugar from your daily meals, you can avoid gum diseases and toothaches.
    While on the keto diet, most of your diet will consist of foods high in fats coupled with a measured intake of proteins and low carbohydrate intake.

My first Breakfast Recipe:

Avocado Salmon Breakfast Serves 1
Ingredients 60 grams of wild caught smoked salmon
2 tablespoons virgin olive oil
Celtic sea salt
Juice of 1 lemon
30 grams of fresh, soft goat cheese
1 ripe organic avocado

  1. Cut the avocado in half and remove the seed.
  2. In a food processor, process the other ingredients until coarsely chopped.
  3. Place the cream inside the avocados then serve. Alternatively, you could also cut the avocados into cubes and the salmon in small pieces and mix them up together. Add the rest of the ingredients with the goat cheese and mix well. Net carbs per serving: 4g

(alphagk) #2

Here is another Recipe for Breakfast: in fact that was my breakfast today Enjoy!

1/2 Red Capsicum
1/2 Orange Capsicum
1/2 Green Capsicum
2-4 Red Chili
2-4 Green Chili
Salt, pepper and other mixed spices
3-5 Eggs
Olive Oil Extra Virgin

Dice all the Capsicum and fry in the olive oil
add salt and spices as required

Mix very well then add the eggs for 5 minutes

Then Broil or grill in the oven for 2-3 minutes and you are done

Bon Appetit , see the pictures below:

What Did You Keto Today? Part IV
(KCKO, KCFO 🥥) #3

Care to share the name of the book and if it is available via Amazon or some other online bookstore?

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