Deep-freeze Dee-cember (30 day carnivore experience)

(Karen) #21

I have tried picanha steak and i found it very tough…
Very annoying when it looks good then you don’t enjoy it!

(Karen) #22

Food today, sautèd cooked chicken for brunch. Then a Ribeye steak followed by spicy chicken wings.

Went to Nottingham Council House tea dance this afternoon and had a lovely time. Next one there is in March.

(Geoffrey) #23

It’s tallow making time again.
I’ve been helping my sister in law at her restaurant. She’s trying to cut costs so instead of buying ribeyes already sliced she’s buying the whole rib roast and cutting the steaks herself. Except, neither her or any of her staff can cut a steak out of the roast properly and at the right weight. She asked if I could with my experience of processing my own deer, hogs and livestock. Of course I can.
So after cutting up eight rib roasts and trimming the ribeyes I got to keep four, one gallon bags of trimmings and she cooked up one of the ribeyes for me. Great payment but I’d have done it for free. :grin:

This takes hours so in the meantime I baked up some cheesy egg muffins using some water-bath eggs that have been in storage.

While these are not a substitute for bread in any way the are great for a snack with some butter or sandwich some bacon or sausage in between with some Mayo.
These would be great as a road food or for camping.


Probably already can be found somewhere in the forum but a recipe would be fabulous.

(Geoffrey) #25

Carnivore Fat Bomb Egg & Cheese Muffins

These Carnivore Fat Bomb Egg & Cheese Muffins have just three ingredients (eggs + raw cheese + salt) and are quick and easy to whip up.

Prep Time15 mins

Cook Time25 mins

Resting Time15 mins

Total Time55 mins


  • Mixing bowl

  • Cupcake baking pan


  • 10 eggs
  • 8 oz cheese
  • 1 dash sea salt


  • Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

Make the muffin batter.

  • In your mixing bowl, beat 10 eggs to a smooth consistency. Using a hand mixer is fine, but it is not necessary.

  • Shred the cheese into the mixing bowl Fold the cheese into the eggs to combine and add a dash of sea salt

Bake the muffins.

  • Fill each slot (about 3/4 of the way or a little more) of your [cupcake baking pan with the egg-cheese batter.

  • Bake the muffins at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.

Broil the muffins.

  • After the muffins are done baking, set your oven to broil and broil the muffins until the tops brown. This should take 30-60 seconds.

  • Note: watch the muffins closely while you broil. Just a few seconds too long on broil can burn them quickly.

  • Once the muffins are done broiling, remove them from the oven and allow them to cool for about 10-15 minutes.

  • Leftovers can be stored in the fridge in an airtight container for 4-5 days.

Just pull these cheesy egg muffins out of the oven.
I’ll give them time to rest and then find out what I think of
I deviated slightly from the recipe in that I added one teaspoon of garlic powder to the batter. I used Fontina cheese and water bath farm eggs. I was going to use a little parmigiana but forgot it. Maybe next time.

(Robin) #26

Those look great. I’m afraid they make me emotionally crave the real deal tho. I have no willpower, which means I must use extreme willpower.


Such baked goods are the real deal to me :slight_smile: Just what matters and gives flavors.
(It’s another matter when I specifically want some wheat bread or its smaller, fancier siblings. It happens rarely and eating carnivore baked goods never even reminds me of them as they are so very different.)

I still don’t like to put cheese into my stuff (only on top of it) in most cases but my sponge cakes often get some. Or some other dairy, yesterday I made quark+whipped cream ones I like to call “quiche” despite it resembles less and less to the original as time passes :smiley: At least I used cream, normally I use sour cream :smiley:

I start with my sponge cake dough nowadays, I made quiche without beating the eggs but I always make sponge cakes when I make quiche and it definitely can’t hurt… I love my fluffy items but with this much cheese, whipping the whites separately probably don’t make a difference. I like to reduce the cheese significantly as I don’t like too cheesy things (except if it goes on top or it’s fully cheese like cheese whisps).

It’s strange to me to call baked stuff fat bomb. It’s not even very fatty, just like my typical food…

Hi folks, we had snow again, more than before… It probably will melt, forecast talks about slightly warmer days and we had no frost during the day yesterday either…

The silver birches still have foliage and we have this fun pattern around them now:

The camera light settings were off, sometimes it happens accidentally and I didn’t look… I tried to do something afterwards but not a big effort was done as I merely wanted to show you how much snow we got. And the birch leaves, they are adorable :smiley:

Yesterday was fine nutrition wise, I probably ate my pound of meat and some other items (still not much egg and dairy and processed meat but I had some, a pound of meat is super little food, after all, even when I am sick with zero appetite. zero is good, negative is much worse…) but I had no joy from it :frowning: I didn’t like anything I had, not even my sponge cake or fried pork. They were neutral, easy to eat. I didn’t want the liver so I barely tasted it. Maybe I should have cooked it in cream… But it surely will be okay with sour cream or mixed with eggs… When we will have eggs, egg lady still don’t have any, the hens just refuse to lay. We get some on Saturday but we only have 7 until now. No problem, I normally use 0-1 except on sponge cake baking days (but I use more whites even then as I have a lot of extra whites in the freezer).
But she will have rabbit and Alvaro happily said yes, he will pick it up on Monday.

I am not quite well. Stupid throat and lack of sunshine. Not a big deal but I still want it to go away already.

I had lunch (half an hour before sunset? good enough for now). Only planned a little soup but that is my gateway food so ate some meat and a bite of cheese. The soup had liver/quark/egg dumplings, edible but not my fav. I really find beef liver horribly sweet now. But I need to check it after I got healed.
I still don’t enjoy or want any food but my hunger works as always. So I eat as little as I can to avoid staying too hungry.

(Karen) #28

Met my gorgeous girlie for lunch and catch up today. I had a nice chicken omelette. Cheap as chips too!
Hair appt late afternoon.

Dinner was 1 sirloin steak plus 1 beef burger followed by a tin of tuna amd just had some black pudding because i fancied it and a mug of beef stock.

The only pic i took today


Sorry, I need a teeny tiny vent. I looked up the new weather forecast.
They promised me sunshine for Friday.
Now they say it will be fog, gloom and doom and even more precipitation for the foreseeable future.


I KNOW I can’t have sunshine all the time. But we had rain and rain and rain and gloom and snow and snow and snow/rain since several days and it continues :sob:
I am even sick, I start to lose my negligible will to live… Seriously, it’s very hard on me. I need my sunshine. Or just no more rain/snow, we had way too much… I pity poor Alvaro who can’t talk with the guy to fix our bikes as he never knows if the weather will be good enough for the bike. The car is firmly out in this snow. He probably had enough of walking in the wet dark forest every… Night? Before dawn so it’s night I guess.

Oh well, I always thought it’s stupid to complain about the weather as much as folks did on the weather forecast site - but they had problems with frost in winter, not much snow in winter (that is normal for us. well, not this winter), not super cold in winter… So they expected something unrealistic. I just want a sunny day after zillion not sunny ones. I am very much used to sunny winter days, we do have those.
Anyway, I need some sunshine to function. And I would be fine with just some subtle clouded weather, no rain, no snow, still some light… Not these super dark times where we need to light a lamp at lunch to see the food.

Okay it was a bit longer than planned.

Tomorrow I will make a pork/beef liver stew :smiley: Will the liver make it too sweet? Whatever, I have some raw liver left and don’t have a better idea for it. Always wanted to try a normal+organ meat stew!
But I make scratchings too (well fried meat/scratchings hybrid, it will have much meat), my lard almost run out and anyway, I do love my scratchings.
I would love to make something eggy (spongecake or quiche) but we are low and who knows when we want it for something else… We need to eat up the quark so maybe I will make pancakes instead.

And I start to fancy some fish so maybe I will open a tin…?


We got a few hours of sunshine! :smiley: :sunny: Now I just want to be healthy again.


I have been on annual leave for 3 hours and I feel great. Tonight I’m eating local ocean caught fish. Bacon and egg breakfast with only one coffee today. Had a bushfire-ready meeting at a neighbours’ place. They are vegetarian. So we all met at the cheese.

Like @Geezy56 Geoffrey I bought a hunk of meat on special at the local farmer’s market. It was on sale and was 20% cheaper than steaks cut from the same muscle. So I bought the hunk, sharpened the knife and carved 5 Frank bear thickness steaks for a bargain.

I saw @Naghite Michael was kind enough to like my guineapig post. I thought if there was one person to ask directly if they had eaten guineapig it would be Michael.

There’s a bit to do with heart checks in the next few weeks. I’ll see if I can find time in-between body surfs. But I have no symptoms at the moment. I’m looking forward to beach days and being at home where the food is great and 100% in my control.

Billie the Labrador had knee surgery - ruptured anterior cruciate ligament - yesterday. So I will be hanging out with her a lot. The great things about Labradors is they are top-class resters.

This morning on my last day of work I snuck out and helped a local wildlife group treat some animals and birds. I know how to drive an anaesthetic machine and give injections etc with all the tickets required by law. So, I like to help them out. I learnt that you can raise emus and black swan cygnets together as they have very similar nutritional needs It was funny to see an emu taking a dust bath in a group of swans. Emu fat/oil has the MK4 version of Vitamin K2 than any animal food source. Vit K2 is important if you need to reverse remodel calcium plaques in arteries (e.g. a high Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) score). I heard this on a podcast where Nora Gesgaudus was being interviewed. Nora is the author of Primal Body Primal Mind.


I googled “emu farm” again, found one (I know we don’t have one near :frowning: but the country still have some), the last post on their facebook is about fresh emu oil :wink:

The sunshine was more like 1 hour but no snow/rain, I went out a bit (hard to walk in the thick snow) and I feel much, much better now. It’s not so very dark but it’s pretty much clouded. Could be worse.

I made my… I realized it is more like a soup but you guys would call it a stew… Maybe I will spice it up with something… Now it’s just leanish pork, beef liver, water and salt. Maybe I should have added some fat but maybe I will put butter on it, that’s never a bad idea… My especially passionate relationship with butter continues. It’s a wonderful item. And I am mildly interested in food now. And I am hungry so I won’t skip lunch today either.

But I mostly looking forward to my glorious fried pork, a bit on the scratchings side especially considering the fat content…

I made a soup too, the kind that is very similar to the one made from stock cubes. It has a little dried soup vegs as I can’t make lard, water and salt into soup, it needed something. It’s kind of a problem now, I want more soup than before but it’s not easy for me to get meaty bones :frowning:
So I have this thing (when I can, I will add ground cooked meat when I can, this dish is super quick so I don’t put raw meat into it and cook it for way longer… though I could have put some processed smoked meat into it I suppose…), quite similar to the stock cubes I tried some time ago (no MSG! sadly, it had sugar and it was sweet so I won’t buy it again… but it was tasty and easy). Too sweet even with lowered dried soup veg content. It must be carnivore, apparently or at least devoid of all sweet items… Some spices may work. My sweet perception is ridiculous when it comes to savory food. I barely can handle any sweetness. I probably won’t buy beef liver in the near future, its horribly sweet. (I am the type who is willing to try it out again later, probably).

(Michael) #33

Hah, I have not had guinea pig, but I HAVE had emu :slight_smile: Emu sausages in fact. Not too bad, but I would have preferred the meat without the rest.


It was an okay day, I ate well (mostly the fried pork, I ate it all, it was firmly above a pound in raw weight… but had some of the stew/soup too. not bad but I wished for some heart instead of the beef liver… that would be nice. and I haven’t had heart since ages) and my throat and spirit got better!

It turned out egg white and quark make a decent dumpling in my soups :slight_smile:
I didn’t desire non-carni food today at all and it’s remarkable as I ate very little egg and dairy. But I had plenty of nice pork. Food joy was better than before but I used to enjoy my fried pork more. I just ate it easily when I was hungry, normally I enjoy every crunchy fatty tasty morsel. But I will be even better tomorrow I am pretty sure.
And I enjoyed my warm soup even with a better throat that didn’t pester me all day to have warm liquids. I am in a soup phase now. Always loved soups but I really want it often now.

(Judy Thompson) #35

The pichana steak was a lot more tender the 2nd day after 24 hours of sous vide!

(Geoffrey) #36

I’ve eaten a lot of emu. When the emu exotic market crashed here in Texas I started up a mobile emu slaughter business. People didn’t know what to do with them and some were just turning them loose so I’d come out and butcher the birds for a fee and a percentage of the meat. I’d even render the fat for them if they wanted it or keep it for myself if not.

(Geoffrey) #37

My food today consisted of cheesy egg muffin sliders with venison sausage and butter.

That wasn’t quite enough so I also had some venison german sausage with cheese and then a small bowl of yogurt for dessert.

(Judy Thompson) #38

Just a few hours til the weekend gigs begin. I came up to our cabin apartment to read and enjoy the quiet after lunch.
@FrankoBear nice to get a little vacay. Glad you’re feeling well and hoping Billie will heal quickly.
I bought an oz of emu oil recently for an extravagant price, haven’t opened it. It would be expensive to use in cooking!
@Shinita hope you feel better and your weather clears up - aren’t those things related?
@Geezy56 Funny to open this chat and see those muffins. I made similar ones today for lunch after reading the recipe on Facebook! Stiffly beaten egg whites over grated cheese, I used cheddar, baked at 400° F for 20 minutes. I made mini muffins and with the leftover whites, made 2 bun sized muffins.

Pretty good, and easy to make. Salt wasn’t called for but I salted them all afterwards, they needed it.
Tonight I’ll put in a chicken to sous vide, tomorrow and Sunday we’ll eat it.
My colonoscopy is Wednesday. I picked up the stuff I have to drink. Pretty sure it’s going to kill me :woozy_face:
I guess I’ll just get through it.
They don’t realize that without fiber in one’s system a laxative like that is overkill.

(Judy Thompson) #39

@Geezy56 that sausage looks amazing!


@JJFiddle: Thanks! They are somewhat related, indeed… I am sure sunshine (or just some light and lack of precipitation, I am not super needy at this point) even speeds up my healing though not by much, probably… But my spirit has a strong correlation with the weather when I am already a bit sick. Sometimes I am cheerful in bad weather (for a while… days without sunshine wear me down) but now I have too many problems to pull it off. And we really had too much rain/snow, gloom and doom :frowning: We need dry times. There was a crazy day where almost 1/10th of the yearly precipitation fell in some places. And it was just one rainy day among many (albeit significantly less serious) others.

NO rain/snow today, I consider it a win! :smiley: The snow is melting slowly, perfect, we need the roads to be fine to ride on again but we don’t want a ton of water everywhere at once… That makes those cracks where a medium sized kid could hide… Slope, dirt road, quick water, bad combo!

I realized ragou soup is my way! It doesn’t require bones and I love it. No one in my family made it but I even liked the packet version so there was some winning combo in it. I love sour cream and tarragon and only know the ragout soup that contains both. I don’t even know is ragout soup is a thing elsewhere but it clearly is in Hungary. Soup is part of every traditionally proper meal, after all. Stew soup is a thing here anyway though I only know Goulash as an example, our other stews barely have a little liquid or not even that, it depends on the ingredient, meat stews are nice with some liquid, egg stews are wet but as the yolks make it dense, it has no liquid to be seen alone… Veggie and mushroom stews don’t have much liquid as far as I remember. Stew is like breaded stuff: almost ANYTHING edible and solid may go into it even though the most “noble” version uses meat.

So I made my liver/pork thing into a ragou soup :smiley: And I don’t even need the sweet soup vegs in it! Just tarragon. I adore tarragon and couldn’t use it for anything on carnivore… I may even use vinegar in it (I have some nice tarragon white wine vinegar, my absolute fav - and I never can use it on carnivore)… I have this “putting sour cream and vinegar into soups and other dishes” thing, I blame Mom who did lots of such dishes and my personal love towards sour things.

The cats LOVE beef liver. I don’t though it’s edible so we share it.
But they get thick… We better stop feeding them so often. Normally it’s perfect to feed them whenever we saw them and they seem willing to eat… They aren’t even around all the time in good weather… But now they want to eat all the time and they don 't need it. They never was this fat (it’s unfair I know, I am way more fat, they are merely well-fed, still fine but they shouldn’t get heavier. still, it’s fun to call them fat. we aren’t nice to the cats verbally but they don’t mind, we have fun we need and we love them. it’s more like some one-sided friendly banter they don’t understand but wouldn’t mind anyway)…

Alvaro is cooking good food. Carby but protein rich and very satiating. With smoked pork chuck. I won’t need to cook for days (for him, at least but right now I have leftover pork too)… It’s SO SO much easier now that we eat meat as well. It’s even much easier to cook for him as he can eat meat quite often! And his veggie needs can be satiated with a big dish cooked by himself in the weekend (and some raw stuff)… Too bad I have no detailed infos how his diet changed but he surely eats way less vegs than before. And more meat but of course as we never bought meat beyond some fish here and there (and Mangalica scratchings, once :D) before I tried out carnivore… His grain consumption stayed exactly the same, he needs them. Same with fruits and nuts. But meat and eggs replaced some veg dishes on workdays. And it’s so much easier on me.

We walked 2 hours today to get 80 eggs :slight_smile: I needed the exercise too, of course, I had little lately. I am almost healed (my voice is still not great but not as bad as it was… but it’s way better than having pain… like when swallowing, that’s awful… nothing like that this time, just a scratchy(?) throat and a very strong urge to drink warm liquid all day long. not anymore, yay!), it was nice to be outside. We saw many ducks and a great egret on the pond!
80 eggs will last for very long. We had EIGHT eggs in the last week (and some extra whites). I don’t think we ever went below 30 since more than a decade (and 30-35 already took effort when we knew we have too few eggs for our normal consumption, 70/week)… A bit less sure about recent times, my egg consumption went seriously down but we never ever was this down. I just… Don’t really need eggs. Maybe one here and there, sometimes more but even that is just some fun and variety and some dishes are impossible without but I stopped missing eggs, I don’t miss them even when I eat none for days. Wow. This is useful, convenient so I keep this. I have all these eggs… And no desire to jump them. I only made scrambled eggs to use up some old smoked pork chuck today. Sponge cakes are useful but I eat way less than I used to. Good. As long as I don’t get bored of my meat. But then I can have an eggier day.

I looked up ragout soup recipes. I don’t need a recipe and they aren’t carnivore anyway but I am usually curious how things are normally done. Apparently chicken ragout soup is popular in Hungary. Not like I ever had it except the packet thing but my family was like that (and it’s not popular enough to made into school lunches when I had those). It typically uses chicken breast and a ton of vegs. It’s for 10-12 persons, says the recipe (I am aware my eating is quite different from “normal” people…) using a pound of meat… 40g chicken breast per person, wow. Even if it has substantial other items, even if it’s just a soup, even if people don’t eat a ton og soup at once as I always liked to, isn’t it a bit stingy? But that very recipe had way more carrots and way more potatoes (and many other vegs) than poor meat, flour too mixed with the sour cream (I don’t really see why, it’s quite perfect just with sour cream… way more than in the recipe and way less water, that’s true…) so it’s basically a carby veggie dish with meat only for an accent…? Another article said it can be vegetarian. Even I never wouldn’t want a vegetarian ragout soup… Meat seemed a vital part… And I made chili without meat, curry without meat, stews without meat… But ragout calls for meat, it was apparent even from the packet thing. IDK the English term. It’s not instant, you still need to cook it a bit but it is a packet full with tiny pieces and powder inside. The quality of them varied but the ragout one was amazing. And I still never cooked ragout soup but I guess it’s no wonder considering I didn’t eat meat. I did put sour cream and tarragon into my mixed veggie soups.

Sorry for all the veggie mention but it’s kind of inevitable for me now. I don’t use them just compare things :slight_smile: I only need tarragon in mine, probably. Pork is tasty. I don’t want to make a chicken one but maybe I will try turkey one day. We will see.