December IF/EF chat - all welcome!

(Donna ) #281

Did 120 hour fast right before Christmas, ending on the eve of Christmas Eve. Got to a new low of 166.6 lbs. Woot woot! I hope to not see the 170’s again.

I’m sitting at 168.8 lbs the day after Christmas, trying to decide what or if to eat today. I’ve fasted 19 hours since last night. I’ll probably eat 19:5 for a couple of days before going back into another EF.

(Leigh Thomas) #282

Did my first full day fast last week which turned out to be 44 hours. I think my stomach was a little confused as to why it wasn’t getting any food. Never felt to hungry during the whole period. Dropped 2 kg as a result of it and have maintained the weight loss.

I plan to do another this week.

(Leigh Thomas) #283

You probably just want to stick to 20/4 hour fasting until you know can handle that.

I found it can be a real mind game to get through the first 24 hours.


I’m back on board for the last three working days of the year. 12/27, 12/28, and 12/29 will all be warrior fasts.

(sue) #285

here’s my end of December update!

i am back down, and a little bit under my weight prior to my vacation :slight_smile:

i am excited for life to return to “normal” after new years where there’ll be less festivities and parties and restaurant outings.

(Liz ) #286

Hey fasting friends! I’m coasting through the end of this month/year & will try to figure out where my next 3-day fast fits in during January. See you all in 2018! :tada:

(*Rusty* Instagram: @Rustyk61) #287

I started a 36 hour fast last night at 1800 hrs. I’m going to fast into the new year!!! It helps that I have to work all three days.

(Michael ) #288

Technically so did i, but not sure if I’ll eat later today and ruin it. I hit the gym really hard last few days and might want to continue protein intake through weekend

(Marie Dantoni) #289

Well just to wrap up '17, I actually gained 2 lbs on a 70 hour fast this month (if scales can be trusted). So tonight after dinner I plan on starting again…maybe better luck in’18.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #290

Scales CANNOT be trusted. No one gains 2 pounds of fat in 3 days.


Try upping your salt next fast. Your body was holding onto fluid to balance your available sodium. All confusing, but eventually managable.

(Marie Dantoni) #291

Thanks Brenda…I needed to hear someone else say that.

(Marie Dantoni) #292

Wow, I was leaning towards too much water and salt. Maybe just too much water ?

(KCKO, KCFO) #293

I started a 36 hr fast last night at 9 PM, plan to fast to New Year’s Day breakfast. Fasting has been very good to me this year, so I thought it would be nice to finish out the year with another fast.

Bring on 2018! Happy New Year everyone.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #294

It’s really hard to know that’s why you have to do so much experimentation. I do know we need two to three teaspoons a day normally on the ketogenic diet. As far as how much you need to add while fasting? I’m going to recheck on that. Be sure and poke me if you don’t hear back from me. Summon me with an @Brenda :slight_smile:

(Marie Dantoni) #295

Thank you !

(KCKO, KCFO) #296

I have started a new chat for Jan 2018.