Day 38, still tired

(Erik) #1

Everybody is taking about how much more energy they have. But after day 38 I still feel engergyless. I had Okey energy in the beginning.

I’m going to the gym 4-6 times a week. And I’m the beginning I had energy to do all my sets. But now I feel that I can’t be boderd to even start with my sets. Doing some easy cardio and then going home and with no real energy for the rest of the eavning.

I’m doing OMAD and around 16-180 cals a day. I take compliment for sodium, magnesium and potassium.

Any advice?

(Marianne) #2

Everybody’s experience is unique, but it look me 4.5 month to become fat adapted and have the energy level that people talk about here - and that was eating well, clean keto and keeping the carbs very low. Before that, I would get very tired with light activity and have to sit down/take breaks frequently.

If you are eating well, getting enough calories and good fats, while keeping the carbs low, it will happen in time. The difference is pretty clear.

(charlie3) #3

I’ve been doing 40 net grams carbs, whole food, for 2 years plus 1-2 hours daily low heart rate training on a vintage airdyne and 90 minutes of lifting weekly. I felt energy issues for longer than you describe. I’m sure my fat adaption has continued to improve to this day. May be give yourself a deload, aerobic and anearobic. May be do your cardio with a HR monitor and keep heart rate at 180 - age. Time restricted eating, and once a week 36 hour fast, worked brilliantly for me during the weight loss phase but lately I’m not playing any hunger games. Going from sugar burner to fat burner has been a long journey that isn’t over, worth it.

(Prancing Pony) #4

I hope that is meant to read 1600 to 1800?!

Ps. You get gains in the rest days, try max out on 6 reps (muscle failure) each machine just one day a week

(Windmill Tilter) #5

My best guess is that you’re experiencing over-training in conjunction with the growing pains of fat adaptation. If so, it’ll undermine both fat loss and muscle gain. The tell-tale symptom will be a persistent feeling of fatigue and mental fogginess, and reduced performance. If you’ve over-trained in the past, you may have experienced persistent soreness as well because recovery ability becomes increasingly impaired, but that symptom will often be absent on keto because it’s a very anti-inflammatory diet that significantly reduces the sensations of soreness after training.

You probably just need to tweak your workouts/frequency a bit. Some more information about your current workouts and priorities (fat loss vs muscle gain vs training for 10k) would be helpful and probably elicit more targeted responses. It’ll also help to get some basic stats (height, weight, age, hours of sleep per night). This will help folks make some recommendations on how to tailor your workouts to meet your goals and get your energy levels back up.


Some of the keto books say to take it easy on the workouts in the beginning. It sounds to me like you are really overdoing it. I don’t know what your intentions are, but if it is to lose weight, you dont have to do so much exercise. There are people here who have lost a LOT of weight without exercising so much but with IF.