Dave Feldman - 'It's About Energy, Not Cholesterol'

(Mel Soule) #1

@DaveKeto This is a great video just published on Youtube for Low Card Down under. Great content, chrystal clear explanation of how to hack the cholesterol test. Enjoy

(Brian) #2

Very interesting, and I appreciate the common language Dave uses. It helps it all to make more sense.

Thanks for sharing the link!

(CharleyD) #3

@KetoLevvy @Keto6468 Timing couldn’t have been better! KCKO!

(Mike Glasbrener) #4

Interesting. @richard @siobhan Does the process of becoming “fat adapted” the process of getting your adipose cells to provide nonesterified free fatty acids and you muscle cells to ramp up there consumption of these? I would guess dropping insulin facilitates the process in a controlled fashion?

I’m trying to learn more. Cool stuff!

(Bunny) #5

That is awesome!

Love the boat\cruise ship analogy!

(Richard Morris) #6

Fat adaptation is the process of increasing the molecular machinery for processing fat and de-emphasizing the machinery for gluocose. Including increasing number of transports in cell walls for fatty acids and ketones, and reducing the transports for glucose, increasing the production of enzymes for breaking down fatty acids into acetyl groups to be burned for energy.

Fat cells have a different change, if you are obese they start out unable to keep a lid on their fat payload, so it overflows. When you go keto you can suddenly use that energy (insulin drops enough for peripheral cells to use fat for energy), and once your adipose cells become able to hold their fat payload under the direction of insulin they turn from black dots into white dots. And that is what a plateau is.

Adipose IR

So once you are plateaued, you need insulin to drop over time and it brings you into a controlled landing.

(Mike Glasbrener) #7

Great info! I’m thinking about the adaption/cause and effect at a system level. So if you’re a sugar burner and are metabolically deranged you muscles burn the over abundance of glucose available in the bloodstream. Because of the over abundance insulin rises directing adipose tissue to “save for a rainy day” that will never come is this modern era.

The reversal of this is a survival biological process. You consume no carb and the blood sugar goes down. The liver isn’t quite so good at gluconeogenesis so blood sugar stays low. Your cells are starving and look for any available energy to maintain their metabolic function thus start drawing down free fatty acids, insulin drops because blood sugar is low and triglyceride are now dropping because your body is no longer in energy storage mode. Thus adipose tissue is now freed up to generate free fatty acids to replenish those that are being consumed by muscle tissue. That process continues to ramp up until reaching a metabolic limit…

Is that a reasonable thought process?

As Dave has pointed out the logic of the system level view of things functioning properly for a reason is lost on the established medical community.

EDIT: I listened to this video 3 times to glean an understanding. Enlightening video!

(Mel Soule) #8

@richard Richard that is brilliant. The metabolic fuel flexibility inherent in the mitochondrial system to burn glucose or fat has never been illustrated so well vis a vis the influence of basal insulin level. Fuel shifting to curve shifting. Brilliant, simply brilliant.

(Mel Soule) #9

@Mglasbrener Mike that’s more than reasonable. It’s right inside the bullseye.

Conceptualizing this at a system level is the only way to approach this IMHO. Systems controlled and operating through communication and powerful feedback loops. We would not be on this planet right now without these systems.

The “yellowbrick” road to fat adaptation goes through the gates of insulin reduction.