Dang! I never saw that "pin" on Meat Category, yeehaw!

(Denise) #1

I’m not quite a carnivore (is that like sort of pregnant?) but I am really starting to like red meat. Rarely had it over the years but now, the main thing is learning to cook a steak med-rare which is what I like (can hardly believe that) :grin:

I cooked a top-sirloin that was on sale, and hit the “sell by” date so I cooked up the whole 1.5 lbs of it and so far it’s still tasting good after 2 nights in a row, one more serving for tonight. I also learned how to re-heat a steak in my convectional (in foil) to get it heated up but not overcooked :wink: 250 for about 20 minutes works for me.

Now I’m all into really looking through the beef area at the store because I’m finding quite a lot I can afford, and figure how to cook (also with the marked down). Again, I’m so glad to see the Pin at the top of this category :slight_smile:

I’m actually thinking of looking for coupons :flushed::open_mouth: !! My friends back-home will never believe it but it will be fun to aggravate those behind me in the check-out line :rofl: I’ll tell them if they get too rowdy, “calm down, you’re all invited to my bbq” :sunglasses: then run like heck so they can’t follow me home.

(Robin) #2

:smiley: :+1:

(Joey) #3

@Goldengirl52 Excellent. Don’t forget the running part. This could evolve into an important part of your routine cardio workout. :+1:

(Denise) #4

I don’t think running is for me Joey, I’m 70 now, and I love walking the best, or hiking if I get to do that. I won’t go alone do to many camping in our more wilderness areas.

I do get a good cardio workout when I walk as I can walk 4 miles an hour, but sometimes just don’t but I’ll still walk at least 30 minutes and be puffing a little, and a bit sweaty :wink: I get my heart-rate up when I do a sort of circuit sets at times if I’m short of time and that really gives me a good workout as well.

(Joey) #5

Okay then, but if you’re not going to run home from the grocery, make sure to buy extra beef for those guests you kindly invited to your BBQ at the checkout counter. :meat_on_bone:

(Peter - Don't Fear the Fat ) #6

I was once a decent distance runner … Got fat, had 3 knee ops and back pain but the other day something prompted me to break into a jog. It’s was way easier than expected!
Another Keto success :blush:

(Denise) #7

LOL, I didn’t connect my post to what you were saying Joey, :grin: I can be such a dingdong :wink:

I better get a sturdy back-pack too, that’ll toughen me up! Maybe just buy a cow :thinking: Nah, I can’t have over 25 lb pet, and I would get way too attached :woozy_face:

(Denise) #8

Hi Peter, don’t forget your bone-broth, and collagen, oops, do guys need collagen ??

(Denise) #9

I think I just figured out your avatar Joey, is that a piece of meat??

(Joey) #10

:meat_on_bone: :cut_of_meat: :cow2::bacon: :pig2: :chicken:
Yes, plenty of choices when eating keto.

(Denise) #11

Pheww, thought you had a dog in there for a second :face_with_monocle: :grin:

(Peter - Don't Fear the Fat ) #12

I don’t know? … but I certainly enjoy bone broth

(Denise) #13

I’ll google it, seems like guys would need it too since they’re human-beans too :thinking:

Wow, check this out!! https://www.bodyscience.com.au/blogs/articles/the-benefits-of-collagen-powder-for-men

(Peter - Don't Fear the Fat ) #14

hmmmm only just :joy: :t_rex::t_rex::t_rex:

(Robin) #15

I think it’s a hand holding a glowing lightbulb…
@SomeGuy ???

(Denise) #16

oh yeah, I can see that! the finger is what I thought was a turkey or chic bone:joy:


What I do, even when stopping at a convenience store on way home from work, always remember your freezer space from day before.

Any free space, half price produce- grab it and freeze it!
Even if you don’t have free space in freezer, cook it that night for the fridge or next day work or your pup etc.

You’ll figure it out :slight_smile:

(Denise) #18

I’m paying more attention now and planning to stock up a bit better when there’s several good buys on meat. Right now the only vegie I’m having (just bought some today) is spinach as I like it in my omelette for breakfast. But meats are not going to be too hard for me to buy since it’s just for me. I don’t know how families do it with the price of everything being up so high. I don’t think they can keep blaming covid for it either.

I don’t know, I shouldn’t be negative, I don’t know how some folks survive that live in 3rd World countries. I think I’ll just count my blessings especially when people give to the poor, it’s usually carbs :frowning: or processed junk :frowning:


I know. Just a wee bit of planning can make big difference though.

Fair enough, not everyone can do that too.

(Joey) #20

Sorry, yeah, the finger-in-the-meat is an “icon” (from the forum font set).
The “avatar” is a hand holding a lightbulb … so it’s basically just that. :wink: