Dang! I never saw that "pin" on Meat Category, yeehaw!

(Denise) #21

I think it’s an alien with one eye-ball and it’s come to devour all our meat, and leave us with only rice cakes :flushed:


If the icon is that yellow thing, it looks like lipohyllic mollecule to me…


…or a bell ___, lol.

(Denise) #24

shoot, why didn’t I think of that, of course, it’s a lipohyllic molecule!!

while coop isn’t looking, will someone tell me what a lipoyllic molecule is:face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Cell membrane. Active and passive transport through etc. etc.
I used to study it before I gave it up.
Phyllic=liking as opposed to ‘phobic’ hating.

A lipohillic molecule may or may not share both traits, especially in cellular membranes.



(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #27

It’s a carboxyl group, the presence of which is what makes a ketone a ketone. The knob at the top is an ‘O’ for oxygen, the carbons occur at the ends of the straight lines. The two bare ends at the bottom are chemical groups of various types. For instance, β-hydroxybutyrate looks like this with two hydroxyl groups (OH) and a plain carbon at the left end:


(Alec) #28

I’ve been having steak close to every day now for 18 months, and I am yet to get tired of it…. Still tastes good to me. I think that tells me something.


Wow! I am not slow either but not on your level! :wink:

We only have that in one hypermarket in the city and when I arrive, there is barely anything (I got some smoked mackerel last time though, a big fav of mine!)… Oh well, there are good sales anyway.

Yep. I cook some, eat part of it (cooked meat last super long), put some cooked, way smaller meat back into the freezer. My freezer is really small and I can go for a proper, big shopping once a month but I can make it work (I buy meat locally too, of course but the variety is smaller). My SO can’t keep vegs there anymore, the freezer is for meat but he handles it well :wink:

Me neither. But I don’t know why is food cost a problem for people with proper salaries in 1st/2nd world countries (without extreme things explaining it). I mean at least minimum wage per person, we have a smaller income than that I think… But we barely spend on anything else than food, I have about $5 for food per day…? (Of course it’s a different country and currency and everything but still,. somewhat comparable reading about prices. I envy UK prices sometimes. I heard food in AU and NZ is more expensive, at least the kind I like to eat but probably all.) So I consider ourselves quite poor (of course some have it worse) but food is good, I wouldn’t change much with more money. Fortunately I mostly eat carnivore food and meat (the kind I eat) is cheap. Carbs typically are quite expensive (compared to their worth for me, at least :wink: but their price shot up anyway. expensive items didn’t change their price nearly as much except dairy but they went down again). I don’t know why poor people (not extremely poor, that’s another level) don’t live on meat but I admit it’s different for me as meat satiates me and carbs make me hungry so I spend less if I just skip the latter… :smiley: This close carnivore thing is my cheapest woe this far. My food cost would go a bit down if I dropped the store-bought carbs and the processed meat items but I won’t. I do try to do it with coffee, it costs so much even using the cheapest options and doesn’t give me anything. Well the taste is fun…

Not just active but having such nice imagination… You are my role model :wink:

It’s probably quite normal… I needed some time to get to used to eating much meat but now I can eat pork each and every day without any problem. I suppose do exactly that…? Even if we cook ruminant, it’s so tiny (we buy deer and it comes in small packets and we only buy one. maybe two next time :wink: but for variety, a little is enough, I don’t want much of it) that I need my usual pork too. And skipping meat? It couldn’t happen without determination and focus. So it would be an experiment, not something that I desire or accidentally do.


Ah-ha! That’s the one! (I knew that, honest, lol!). Thanks for that.

Looks uncannily like the phospholipids found in the cell wall too.

This is why I left to play with electricity instead :slight_smile:

(Denise) #31

This turned out pretty good, in the cooking it, although it wasn’t as good of flavor as others, it was still good enough with seasonings, and I got it for a good price :wink: :slight_smile: I know you all can guess which cut it was :wink: