Cutting carbs can increase your risk of diabetes

(Ron D. Garrett) #41

@Richard. Definitely!!! Lol.

(Emily Fink Ferreira) #42


“[She kept] using that word. I do not think it means what [she thinks] it means.”

(Brian) #43

Every time I read the title of this thread, it makes about as much sense to me as, “Cutting sugar can increase your risk of diabetes.”

I just have to wonder about the Koolaid someone has been drinking…

(Mike Glasbrener) #44

I noticed the same thing. It’s an editorial post disguised as science! Things like this can be irritating.

(Consensus is Politics) #45

Inconceivable! :cowboy_hat_face:

(Consensus is Politics) #46

Damned the truth… it keeps getting in the way of our agenda.

AHA! Lets just BS them then. We’re experts, they have to believe us!

(Ethan) #47

Here is my tl;dr (I didn’t read the article):

Cutting whole grains can lead increased risk of diabetes when they are replaced instead with refined sugars.

(Ron D. Garrett) #48


(Brian) #49

Wow, Bob. I’ll never look at electricity the same again. LOL!!

(Consensus is Politics) #50

So, to be completely fair to the Consortium (really? no attempt to hide it?) I thought I’d go look at their website. While there, I got distracted. I looked at the map, to see where they are located. THERE’s A SUSHI PLACE JUST A FEW BLOCKS AWAY!

(Marcos Ocasio) #51


(Candy Lind) #52

“International Carbohydrate Quality Consortium (ICQC)” - read that “A Highly Paid Special Interest Group Advancing the Sale of Grain Products” … I wonder if Ms. Brand was paid well enough to withstand the factual tools that are chipping away at her integrity & self-respect?


I’d like to see solid evidence to support this.

(Todd Allen) #54

Here’s a good discussion of potential beneficial effects of fiber. Basically it gets fermented by bacteria in the large intestine producing butyric acid, a short chain fatty acid found in butter. This fat has several beneficial properties such as boosting metabolism, improving insulin sensitivity and maintenance of the gut barrier.

(Duncan Kerridge) #55

Or just eat butter?

(Todd Allen) #56

Butter is only 4% butyric acid and it is absorbed in the small intestine.

(Consensus is Politics) #57

So… eat more butter? :cowboy_hat_face:

(Consensus is Politics) #58

This just came to me after that last post.

My mom told me, when I was about 2or 3 yrs old, I would get into the fridge, grab a stick of butter, and stand there and peel and eat, peel and eat, peel and eat.:sweat_smile:

(Todd Allen) #59

I don’t think eating butter will provide the benefits of fiber derived butyric acid in the large intestine since butter is digested in the small intestine. However, you could bypass that issue by inserting the butter at the other end.

(Consensus is Politics) #60


Hey! Hold the phone! Was that meant as a… :sunglasses:

Just kidding. But I couldn’t let the opening for possible humor go.