Coronovirus Prediction

(Ashley) #62

We also have our first Coronavirus case at u of m in Ann Arbor!


Oh wow! My son, daughter in law and grandson all work in A2 or attend school there! YIKES!!!

They’ve closed MTU, NMU, CMU and MSU so far.

(Central Florida Bob ) #64

I was born for this moment:

XKCD_03-05-20 from March 5th.


Me too, I am definitely an introvert. Extroverts draw energy from socializing, introverts draw energy from solitude. I don’t mind staying away from other people for a few weeks - it’s a vacation to me. I do need my dogs though, I have lived with dogs all my life and can’t imagine life without them.

(Utility Muffin Research Kitchen) #66

A lot of patients are infectious but have no symptoms (yet). It’s quite possible that the actual number of infections is higher by an order of magnitude.


Yes, that appears to be the case. Cases in Michigan, and school closings are increasing.

(Utility Muffin Research Kitchen) #68

An interesting observation is that men are more likely to contract Corona than women. Men also are more likely to contract diabetes, hence men have a higher chance of an abnormal glucose metabolism (projecting the diabetes numbers).

This obseration fits the theory that a working glucose metabolism is somehow helping the immune system. (Of course, correlation is not causation.)

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #69


The only way to control this thing is to limit people congregating. The governor of my state has tried to get ahead of this thing. The three largest universities along with many other colleges have went online until further notice. He has also recommend that churches might voluntarily have services online instead of putting others at risk by having people gather. Many religious places not understanding the risks refuse to do this though. I guess they need the money. I also look for public schools to go online within the week. This is getting real.


Just announced that all schools closed starting Monday in Kentucky.

Update: some media got information from a fake account appearing to be from the governor’s office saying the schools would close. It was shortly removed.

It’s going to happen and I wouldn’t be surprised that the info below is when it happens. It’s not a matter of if, but when …

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #72

Bobt, I just read that we’re in a state of emergency and they’re closing public schools until April 20th. My sister in law is a teacher and said they’re announcing it tomorrow in her county. (But the cafeteria will be open for take out food if parents call it in, breakfast and lunch, so that’s nice)

I’m sandwiched between two churches and this neighborhood is hopping on Sunday. Beshear asked people to avoid going to church this weekend. Bro and I are placing bets on compliance.


I’ve seen more than one pastor on Facebook being defiant. Basically saying that Beshear needs to quit mixing religion and politics and to mind his own business. I think once they start seeing what is about to happen then those thoughts will change. Our governor seems to be trying to get out ahead of this thing if it’s not already too late. Pray at home and watch church from home. If the pastor’s need the money that bad then mail it in or PayPal it to them.

(Jane) #74

Sorry, but this smells of a social experiment to me. Don’t know what the end game is yet but not what you think it is.

We are being manipulated


Corona virus threads popping up all over the forum.


No I don’t have any evidence of anything, this is not my area of expertise. I am relying on the public broadcaster in Australia and this was reported on the Coronavirus update.

The information is changing daily but at least the public broadcaster here does fact check sources.


Sounds ideal. :grinning:
I am in the centre of the city and am quite shocked at the behaviour.
I have been twice to several shops this week to attempt to get toilet paper, unsuccessfully. Some people are behaving like complete idiots!

(Scott) #78

Folks there is not much you can do except,
Wash hands a lot more than you may be accustomed to
Avoid crowds and congested areas
Maintain separation the best you can
Don’t touch anything you don’t have to
Don’t touch your face
Wash them hands again

I have a conference in two weeks and expect it to be canceled today or tomorrow. May take some time and go to a drivable location to avoid the plane for R&R if things don’t escalate significantly by then.

Edit: The conference just got cancelled. I didn’t see that one coming. We will watch the number of cases and may drive somewhere closer for some down time.

(charlie3) #79

Thanks to the internet and youtube and cell phones anybody can video what’s going on around them. The weight of that evidence persuades me the worst case scenarios are worth taking seriously. For me it boils down to, stay home.



Sorry, but this smells of a social experiment to me. Don’t know what the end game is yet but not what you think it is.

We are being manipulated

Can you expand on your theory?


The science of soap – here’s how it kills the coronavirus

So why does soap work so well on the Sars-CoV-2, the coronavirus and indeed most viruses? The short story: because the virus is a self-assembled nanoparticle in which the weakest link is the lipid (fatty) bilayer. Soap dissolves the fat membrane and the virus falls apart like a house of cards and dies – or rather, we should say it becomes inactive as viruses aren’t really alive.

More details: