Coffee...addiction?! (Dun dun dun!)


(What The Fast?!) #1

Guys, I decided to try a fast without coffee. I drink coffee everyday but I’d never thought about it as an “addiction” before. …but, um…based on how I feel right now, I think it might be.

A little backstory: I have had ADHD my whole life. I used to take medicine for it (ritalin, adderal, the works) but I went off it a few years back. (This is also when I started gaining weight back, but that’s a whole other story.) I find that keto helps with the ADHD symptoms, but so does drinking caffeine. I don’t get amped up or anything, I can just focus better.

But, I recently had one of those DNA tests and it said that I’m a slow caffeine metabolizer and should avoid coffee…so I decided to try it. I started my fast Sunday night, skipped my typical coffee yesterday and today. I’m feeling pretty lazy the last two days and I feel like I could definitely take a nap today! I even slept for like 9.5 hours last night!

So, maybe the coffee-free fast is good for me? Thoughts? (I may be looking for justification to go brew a cup…)


I’m addicted to coffee for the flavor. I gave up caffeine because of sensitivities but I have no intention of giving up my decaf Americanos. Try some decaf.

(German Ketonian) #3

same here! Love decaf!

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #4

I’m not sure caffeine is considered addictive, but you can definitely become habituated to it. It takes about two weeks for the headaches and irritability to fully go away.

(Dawn) #5

ANything that makes you sleep better is a WINNER. More weight loss can’t be far behind. Coffee can lead to adrenal fatigue and it can get in the way of some of the things your body is trying to do. If you can cut back on coffee, I think it is a good thing, but that is just my humble opinion. I am not a expert at this stuff

(What The Fast?!) #6

Well I sleep like a baby anyway. :slight_smile: @PaulL no headaches today - maybe it was something else.

(Allie) #7

Caffeine addiction is real, it’s the only addiction I allow myself, but I do occasionally detox and when that happens I sleep LOADS for a few days but then get back to normal.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #8


(Ronald Weaver) #9

I’ll agree with that. A couple of years ago I also tried to see if I was actually addicted to coffee. Stopped drinking it and the next day just felt sub-standard. The next day was worse, all I wanted to do was sleep ! This went on for another few days but really never went away. Even in the second week I felt as if I was operating at 70-80% efficiency. So I gave up and made a pot of coffee and almost right away I was back to being fully alive. I researched it pretty thoroughly and couldn’t find enough negative reasons not to be addicted to coffee…or is it caffeine ? here I am, a card carrying coffee junkie.
And totally unrepentant !
PS I was about to repeat the experiment but drink only decaffeinated coffee but I’ve just found out how coffee is decaffeinated. I think I’ll skip it, just too much footering with something natural.